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Both Hansol and Seungkwan were still in shock that this actually happened.

They couldn't stop staring at each other.
Most people would've found it awkward, but to the two boys there was nothing awkward about it.

It really felt like they had known each other for a long time and in a way of course they had.
But actually being here with the other, close enough to touch, it was something they literally only dreamed of.

The two boys sat down under the large oak tree, letting the sunlight trace patterns on their faces through the leaves.

They still couldn't stop looking at each other, it all felt so surreal to them.

Hansol pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head on his arms, looking at the beautiful boy from his dreams.

"I guess dreams really do come true..."
Hansol said and Seungkwan playfully hit his arm in response.

"You're so cheesy Hansolie..."
Seungkwan giggled as he took Hansol's hand in his own and played with his fingers. 
Seungkwan really liked the way his and Hansol's hands fit together.
Even though Hansol was younger, his hands were slightly bigger than Seungkwan's and the way they held the older's hands felt so perfect.

Words could never describe the feelings these two boys had towards each other.
Though they were already strong before, when it was only dreams, they became so much stronger now in this short time the two boys had seen each other.

"You know Hansol, I wasn't sure if I would ever find you... people thought I was crazy for saying that I would."
Seungkwan quietly confessed as he still played with Hansol's hand.

"I know Seungkwanie, but you're not. We can prove it to them now."
Hansol lifted up Seungkwan's chin to look him in the eyes. He smiled at the blonde as he softly stroked his cheek.

"People thought I was crazy too. That's why I had to take pills... pills that made you disappear." Hansol sighed when he thought about the last dream before Seungkwan was gone.

"I thought I was going insane when you disappeared from my dreams. I was so sad that I couldn't see you anymore..."
A tear was now rolling down Hansol's cheek.

"I wanted to just... stop existing... Because a life without you, even if I didn't know if you were real or not... I just... couldn't do it."
Hansol stuttered as he tried to hold back any more tears.

"But I'm here now. I will never disappear again. I know that what we have may not be normal but it feels so right. I always believed that there was a reason for everything. The dreams... I was sure there was a reason. I was sure you were the reason. This is how it's supposed to be."
Seungkwan said as he wiped the tears from Hansol's cheeks.

Their story might be unexplainable to others but to the two boy it made so much sense.
This is what destiny had planned out for them.

They were meant for each other.

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