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Soonyoung smiled at the computer screen that showed a smiling Hansol but Soonyoung didn't look entirely sure.

"Seungkwan-ah can we talk for a minute..?" Soonyoung asked slowly as he apologetically bowed to Hansol.
"In private, please?" Soonyoung tugged on Seungkwan's sleeve a little.

"Hansol-ah, I'll call you back later, okay?" Hansol pouted but agreed anyway. After that Seungkwan ended the video call and turned to his hyung.

"What is it..?" Seungkwan asked, clearly confused and curious about what Soonyoung had to say.

"How can you be so comfortable with him already..? You don't even know him, Seungkwan-ah... I know you've been seeing him in your dreams but he's still a stranger. Please, just... be careful, okay?" Soonyoung was genuinely concerned but Seungkwan felt a little offended by what the older said.
He did know Hansol.
It was the same person he had been dreaming about.
And Hansol dreamed about him too.
What would he have to be careful about?
Seungkwan didn't really get it and he wanted to argue with Soonyoung's words but somehow he knew that he shouldn't because maybe Soonyoung had a point...

Nonetheless Seungkwan decided to brush away what Soonyoung said and just continue to act the way he had towards Hansol.

After their conversation ended with Seungkwan just nodding at what his hyung said, Seungkwan went back to his room and took out his phone only to see a bunch of texts from Hansol.

From: Hansolie
I already miss you again...

From: Hansolie
Wow how am I supposed to live when you're not around?

From: Hansolie
Please come back soon

From: Hansolie
I hope your hyung is nice to you, otherwise I'll have to fight him...

From: Hansolie

Seungkwan blushed as he opened his laptop again to call Hansol back. Soonyoung's words were still in the back of his mind but he didn't pay too much attention to them.
He opened his Skype and clicked on Hansol's contact. Within a matter of seconds their call was connected and it indicated that Hansol had just been waiting by his computer screen until Seungkwan called him back.

"Did you miss me?" Seungkwan slyly said as Hansol frantically nodded his head.

"A whole lot!" He answered and covered his face.

"Hansol-ah! Do you wanna go to the fair with me tomorrow?" Seungkwan asked with a bright smile on his face.

"Uhhh..." Hansol suddenly became a lot more timid than he had been.
"I don't know... there's a lot of people there... I don't really deal well with big crowds..."
Hansol rubbed the nape of his neck shyly and looked away from Seungkwan for the first time.

"Don't worry Hansolie... I'll be by your side the entire time and we can go on the calmer rides if you want. And we can go to the park if you don't wanna be at the fair anymore!"
Seungkwan still had his wide smile as Hansol looked back up at him.
The younger trusted the blonde and he wanted to be with him as much as possible from now on so he wouldn't let this opportunity slip away.

"Yeah, sure... I guess it'll be fine if you're with me..."

Idk what my plot is anymore
Tf am I doing?

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