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Hansol took his stuff and put it in a backpack before heading out the house.

He had been too nervous to properly eat anything so he just took an apple on the go.
He walked to the bus stop and thought about when the last time was that he had taken a bus.
He couldn't even remember.

Hansol really hadn't properly gone out in a long time and he suddenly felt anxious.
He took out his phone to distract himself from his nerves.
He texted Seungkwan.

To: my seungkwanie ♡♡♡
I'm on the bus on my way to the fair right now. I really can't wait to see you...

He pulled out his earphones and plugged them in to play some music to relax.

Hansol smiled as he let the sunlight hit his face. He felt so at peace looking out the window and taking in the view of the flowers and the trees around him.
He realised how especially beautiful everything looked today and it made him feel so good.

Something about today was different.
The colours seemed so much more vibrant.
The people seemed so much happier.
And Hansol was too.

He was so happy he almost missed his stop and mentally slapped himself for getting so carried away with simply being happy.

As soon as he got off the bus he saw the all too familiar face smiling brightly at him.

"Seungkwan-ah!!" Hansol yelled with such a wide smile that his cheeks started to hurt.
Seungkwan waved happily as Hansol ran towards him.

Seungkwan opened his arms and allowed Hansol to hug him tightly.
The blonde immediately wrapped his arms around the taller and snuggled his face into his shoulder.

Oh how they loved being the way they were right now, in each other's arms, happier than they've ever been.

Are you getting annoyed
at my filler chaps yet?
I love you all

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