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Seungkwan took Hansol's hand and led him to the entrance of the fair.

"Stay close to me okay? And tell me if you don't feel comfortable." Seungkwan said and Hansol squeezed his hand a little in response.

The two boys were getting glances and comments from all around them.
People weren't used to seeing two boys holding hands like that or hugging the way they were a little while ago.
Being gay was still not really accepted around these parts but the two boys couldn't be bothered by the people around them.

They weren't going to let go of each other unless someone physically forced them to.
Seungkwan intertwined his fingers with Hansol's and pulled him closer. He was scared of getting separated from Hansol by the huge crowd so he held on to the other tightly.

The two boys walked around for a while and got a big cloud of cotton candy for them to share.
After fooling around with their sweet treat, they decided to go ride the teacups, that seemed like the safest option since both of them weren't really into wild rides and rollercoasters.

Seungkwan dragged Hansol along into one of the pink teacups and pulled the other down to sit closely next to him.
The two boys were childishly enjoying themselves and they were truly happy in each other's company.

When the ride ended, Hansol felt a little dizzy so Seungkwan sat him down on a bench.
"Stay right here, I'm going to get you some water, don't move."
He kept eye contact with Hansol for as long as he could before disappearing in the crowd.
As soon as Seungkwan disappeared from his sight, Hansol started feeling a little anxious.
Not being able to see where Seungkwan was stressed him out.
What if he got lost and didn't find Hansol anymore?
What if someone bumps into him and he gets hurt?
What if something happens and Hansol doesn't know?
He was freaking out to say the least and he had started shaking.

Hansol got up and started looking for Seungkwan nervously.
Even though the blonde had told him not to move, he had to go find him.
He started running around, bumping into people, breathing heavily.
He was hyperventilating and all just because Seungkwan wasn't near him.

Seungkwan bought the bottle of water and saw a cute plushy holding a heart so he bought that as well.
When he came back to where Hansol was supposed to be, his heart dropped.
Hansol was nowhere to be seen.
Seungkwan panicked.
He ran around looking for the lost boy and shouted his name.
People were looking at him strangely but all that was on his mind was Hansol.
Where the hell had he gone?

He kept looking around everywhere and when he got out of the crowd, he saw Hansol rocking back and forward nervously on the ground.
A few people had gathered around him to see if he was okay but Seungkwan pushed through them to get to Hansol.
"I told you not to move!" He yelled as he put his hands on Hansol's cheeks to make him look at him.
"Seungkwan!! You were gone... I... I panicked... I'm sorry..." the poor boy sobbed and pulled the other into a hug.
He clutched onto Seungkwan's sweater and the older's rage turned into concern as he rubbed Hansol's back.
"It's okay Hansolie... shhhh.. I'm here now, it's alright, you're okay..." he softly said as he stroked Hansol's hair.

When Hansol calmed down, Seungkwan pushed him back to look him in the eyes.
He put his hand on Hansol's cheek and the boy leaned into it and closed his eyes again.

"Let's go home, Hansolie..."

Wow something actually
happened  in this chap
Congrats me, you were finally productive lmao
Let me know what you think

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