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Seungkwan pulled back from the hug and stroked a strand of hair out of Hansol's face.

He looked so beautiful, smiling down at Seungkwan like that.
Hansol still had his hands around Seungkwan's waist and he pulled him as close as possible.
Seungkwan had never been the type who liked others touching him or hugging him but with Hansol it was different.

Seungkwan cupped Hansol's cheeks and kissed his nose softly.
The taller giggled a little and looked Seungkwan in the eyes.

"Seungkwan-ah...." he started.
"Mhm" Seungkwan hummed, signaling Hansol to continue.
"What are we...?" Hansol shyly asked as he tightened his grip around the blonde's waist a little more.
Seungkwan pushed the strand of hair that had once again fallen in front of Hansol's eyes back a little.
"We can be anything you want us to be, Hansolie..." Seungkwan smiled sweetly when Hansol's eyes met his again.
"I want us to be together... for as long as we can...." Hansol quietly said, almost like a whisper.

Seungkwan pulled the taller into another hug and ran his hand through the other's hair gently.
"Of course..."
He smiled through his words.
That's all he wanted too.
To be with Hansol.
For a long time.

Idk what my plot is
What am I doing
Lololol ok

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