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The two boys walked in silence on their way to Seungkwan's house.

Seungkwan wanted to be mad but at the same time he felt guilty for leaving Hansol all by himself when he knew that the boy was mentally not entirely stable.
He grabbed Hansol's hand and intertwined their fingers without looking at him or saying anything.
Hansol looked at Seungkwan with big puppy eyes but looked at the ground when the other didn't turn his head.

When they got to Seungkwan's place, Hansol let go of Seungkwan's hand and stepped back.

"What's wrong Hansolie?"
Seungkwan turned his head sideways a little, confused at why the other got away from him like that.

"Is it okay for me to be here? Your hyung... he didn't seem like he liked me that much..." Hansol looked at his feet as he kicked some leaves around.
Seungkwan sighed, remembering how Soonyoung had reacted the first time he showed Hansol to him. He walked up to Hansol and hugged him, patting his head lightly.

"Of course he doesn't dislike you, I'm sure he'll be okay with it."
Seungkwan said, knowing that it was neither true nor false. Soonyoung didn't exactly dislike Hansol, he was just trying to look out for Seungkwan and that meant that he was a little sceptical about his relationship with Hansol.
Soonyoung just didn't know Hansol well enough to trust him yet.

Seungkwan took Hansol's hand and signaled him to follow him.
The younger looked up to him with an unsure look in his eyes but followed him into the apartment anyway.
Hansol walked as slowly as he could, not really looking forward to meeting Soonyoung for the first time.

When they came into the living room, Soonyoung wasn't there but he had left a note on the table, saying that he was out for a while and that there was food for Seungkwan in the fridge.

Hansol sighed in relief and relaxed a little.
He really didn't want to intrude in Soonyoung's life like he felt he was doing by following Seungkwan to the apartment.
But at the same time he really wanted to be with Seungkwan, so with Soonyoung not being there, things actually worked out pretty well for Hansol.

Seungkwan walked to the sofa and Hansol came to sit next to him.
Both boys turned to face each other at the exact same time and it made them chuckle a little.
They stared at each other for a while and just like he always did, Seungkwan brought his hand up to Hansol's cheek.

"Seungkwan-ah..?" Hansol said as he laid his own hand on top of Seungkwan's.

"Yeah?" Seungkwan hummed as he took Hansol's hand in his own and smiled at their intertwined fingers.

"Can I... kiss you..?"

Was that a good time
to end the chap? :')
아무튼, 아이들아 사랑해요
Pls do comment a lot

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