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Seungkwan was now laying down in his bed with his laptop beside him, still showing a happy Hansol.

"Hansolie, I'm getting really tired, we should sleep..." Seungkwan said after yawning for the hundredth time.

Hansol pouted. He really didn't want to say goodbye to the cute blonde on the other side of the screen.
"Can't we... just fall asleep like this...? I don't want to say goodbye..." Hansol softly said and Seungkwan smiled.

"It's not goodbye, Hansol-ah... it's just goodnight. But if that's what you want, then sure. I'll meet you at the fair at 11 tomorrow, okay?" Seungkwan gave Hansol a reassuring smile and closed his eyes after that.

As the blonde laid his head down on the pillow, Hansol whispered:
"You're so beautiful..."

Even though his eyes were closed, Seungkwan heard what Hansol said very clearly but decided to just keep his eyes closed.

"Dream of me..." Hansol added and Seungkwan tried his best to suppress his smile.
He really hoped he would.

After that it stayed quiet and it didn't take long for Seungkwan to fall asleep.
Hansol on the other hand liked looking at Seungkwan so much that he didn't want to close his eyes.
Seeing him in real life was so much better than any dream could ever be.
Even if it was just him sleeping, he looked so beautiful doing it.

Hansol couldn't wait for tomorrow to come so he could see the boy of his dreams again and be with him all day.

Hansol stared at Seungkwan and smiled.
The blonde boy really was so beautiful and there was no way Hansol could keep his eyes off the sleeping beauty.
After about an hour and a half, Hansol's eyes started feeling heavy and he was struggling to fight his sleep.
Soon however, he closed his eyes and dozed off to sleep.

As soon as he started dreaming, the beautiful boy appeared again and Hansol felt so at peace seeing him, compared to the days before he met Seungkwan.
He wasn't just an illusion.
He was very real.
And he was very beautiful.

Hope you enjoy
another filler

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