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Instead of going straight to the shopping centre, Seungkwan took Hansol on an off-road sand track that lead to a pond.

The two boys sat down on the bench beside the pond and Seungkwan turned towards Hansol who hadn't said anything on their way there, nor let go of the older's hand.
"Hansol...?" He looked up at Seungkwan with red, watery eyes and as soon as they met Seungkwan's, another tear fell.
"Don't cry... I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." Seungkwan softly but determinedly said. He wiped the tear away and lifted Hansol's chin so their eyes would meet again.
"Baby, I'm not going anywhere, do you hear me? And no matter what happens, you have to be strong for me, okay? Because if you're not strong, I can't be strong either. I know it's us against the world but we have to do this together. You know I love you and I will never willingly leave you."

Hansol's breath hitched as he breathed in and he nodded his head hesitantly.
"I love you." Hansol let out in a raspy voice as he looked Seungkwan in the eyes.

Seungkwan cupped Hansol's face gently and pressed his lips on the other's. He pecked Hansol's lips a couple of times until he could feel Hansol relaxing a little.
He smiled a sad smile when his eyes met Hansol's puffy, red ones.

"Seeing your eyes like this really breaks my heart. Your beautiful eyes." Hansol smiled as he looked away from Seungkwan again.

As Seungkwan tried to lift Hansol's chin again, the younger closed his eyes.
"Why aren't you opening your eyes?" He asked with a smile obviously heard through his voice.
"Because I don't want to break your heart." Hansol sounded so cheesy but so cute at the same time that Seungkwan couldn't help but crash his lips onto Hansol's again, making the younger's eyes open wide and then close in a smile as he kissed the boy he loved.

pls dont hate me

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