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Hansol didn't feel comfortable being outside.

Even though he looked better, he didn't want to be outside.
He had gained some weight and looked a lot healthier than when he was at his worst but still...

They sat down beside the oak tree in the park.
Hansol had let Joshua drag him to this unknown park and felt both thankful and a little scared.

He wasn't sure if he looked decent enough or half dead like he felt.
He really hoped he wouldn't bump in to anyone he knew.
He really didn't feel like answering any questions about his appearance or how he was doing.

Truth is he was still doing bad.
Really bad.

But now he just felt empty.
He wasn't so emotional anymore.
In fact he didn't feel anything anymore.

After Seungkwan had left his dreams, his heart felt as if there was a gaping hole in it.
Hansol really didn't know how to deal with that.
He barely moved anymore, he barely spoke anymore.

Joshua was the only person who saw Hansol.
It had become more difficult for him to just watch Hansol sit and sleep away his days.
He wanted him to get better.

More than anyone, Joshua wished Seungkwan would find Hansol...
If that meant that Hansol would finally become his cheerful self again.

Joshua really was at the end of his wisdom and he had gotten worse himself too.
He had to see his therapist more often again because he was so anxious about his best friend.

The therapist had never seen such a bad case of love sickness as he had seen in Hansol.
And such a special case at that.

How could someone be so attached to someone they only see in their dreams?
And what did it mean?

Hansol was starting to relax a little as he laid down in the grass and ran his fingers through it.
He hadn't been outside in so long, everything felt strange to him.

But he was glad that Joshua had dragged him outside.
He breathed in deeply and let the fresh morning air fill up his lungs.

For the first time in a long time, Joshua saw his best friend smile again.
Even if it was only the smallest of smiles, he could see it.

Hansol looked up at the clouds and could've sworn he saw a heart shaped cloud.

"Hyung... can we get ice cream..?" Hansol sat up and turned to face Joshua.

The older boy did not expect Hansol to ask him such a question.
But he was happy that Hansol asked him such a simple thing as to whether he could get ice cream.

For the first time in a long time, he asked him something that didn't have anything to do with his dreams.
And Joshua could see a slight blush on Hansol's cheeks, which he hadn't seen in a long time either.

It was like Hansol was slowly returning to his own body and that all just because Joshua had taken the time to distract him from his misery.
It was all Hansol needed.

Joshua got up and took out his wallet.
"Just stay here, I'll be right back."

With a smile on his face, Joshua walked away to get his friend his ice cream.

To his own surprise, Hansol didn't  even feel that anxious to be left alone in that park.

He closed his eyes and laid back down, letting the morning sunlight warm up his face.



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