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As Seungkwan scooped up another spoon of rice and dropped it back into the bowl for the 20th time without actually eating anything, Soonyoung let out a sigh.

"Another dream?"

Seungkwan slowly nodded at the older's question as he now sighed himself.

"He keeps coming back, hyung... what am I supposed to do?" Seungkwan desperately looked at his hyung for answers.

To his disappointment but also meeting up with his expectations, Soonyoung shook his head slowly with a look of sympathy in his eyes.

Neither of them knew what to do.

But one thing was clear to Seungkwan.
He didn't want to get rid of the dreams and his thoughts of Hansol. If anything, he wanted to see Hansol even more, the more he dreamed about him.

Even though that idea seemed stupid to Seungkwan, he couldn't help but wonder if it was actually faith trying to lead Seungkwan in the right direction after being lost for so long.

He was determined not to give up on Hansol.
He would look for him until he found the place where he was meant to be.
Or he would die trying to find it.

Even though now Hansol was only a product of Seungkwan's imagination, he was sure that there was something more about the boy in his dreams.

He had never dreamed so vibrantly about anyone or anything before Hansol appeared.
He usually couldn't even recall the faces he saw in his dreams but with Hansol, somehow he couldn't seem to forget.

There was something about the boy and Seungkwan had to know what it was.

Seungkwan believed in soulmates.
And he was almost certain that somewhere out there, Hansol was waiting for him.

I can't stop writing.
Send help.
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what you think

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