It all began

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I was in the High School for just over a year then. I went into this school at the same time as everybody else, but I knew no one. I went to a different school as my friends from my previous school, so it was a time to make new ones, and so I did. Two, to be exact. I hoped they would last. Not many did.
Not many people ever noticed me. I was able to blend into the background and pass under every radar, which was not an easy task, considering my flaming red hair. It became a habit and I enjoyed it that way. Things were going pretty well, until just around that time, when something just went downhill. Make that two somethings.
"Hey, Emma, you are the wind beneath my wings and my inspiration!"
"Emma, do you know why your hair is so red? It's because you're so hot!"
That would be Matt and Nico. They left me alone for so long, but now I was suddenly interesting.
Maybe it would have been easier if they mocked me, like I was used to, by calling me flame hair or just saying, "Watch out! Here comes the redhead!" But no, they chose to act hopelessly in love with me, which they are definitely not. It's just a public spectacle for two bored boys to entertain themselves.

It was almost the end of the second last period, then just one more and I could go home.
We were doing nothing during the class, so I finished my homework from the previous periods. Fine, call me a nerd.
Nico was sitting right behind me, with Matt next to him.
"Emma, you are my sunshine! We are meant to be together!"
I would just ignore them, listening as they giggle like little kids between every sentence.
Suddenly, this stopped and they started singing "Sweet Caroline" and inserting my name.
Great. They couldn't even pick a good song or at least a recent one. I was so tired of them, but I couldn't say anything. Much.
I had my fair share of insults directed towards them. It wouldn't do any good, but I always felt a bit better. Too bad I didn't have the guts to say it to their faces.
The bell rang and I quickly packed up my books to leave. My one friend who is in my class, Madison, caught up to me in the hallway.
"Quick, they're almost behind us. If we take a different route to the next class, they might not follow us." she said. I smiled at her. Madison was a good friend. She was also teased by Matt and Nico, but not as much as I was. I was slightly jealous of her dark brown hair and blue eyes, but I actually wouldn't want to give up my red hair. Even with all the teasing.
"Ok," I replied and we quickly sped off down a narrower passage.

The next class started off quite uneventful. Matt and Nico didn't sit anywhere close to me, so I could relax. I was helping Madison with the biology homework we just received. She struggled with biology, while it was one of my top subjects. Maths and Biology. What a nerdy combo.
Then the teacher left the classroom.
No no no no no no no no.
When there is no teacher, the learners just do what they want, especially a very specific two. Why is the universe so cruel?
While my brain was busy exploding, Matt came up to Madison and I. The entire class was watching. This must be a dare or something. Matt is the loudest and the most, shall we say, impulsive of the two.
He walked up to us with a sly grin on his face as we eyed him suspiciously. We didn't know what he was going to do.
He slowly came round behind us and suddenly jumped into a huge bear hug with me.
Everyone started laughing loudly. I could feel my face going red. I have had it! This was the last straw.
I got out of my chair, shaking Matt off of me, who was also laughing.
I wanted to kick him so bad, maybe just in the shins. It would have been glorious, but I was too afraid that I might get into trouble and detention was the last thing I wanted.
So my body took over for me and chose the next best option: "S***, just leave me alone!" my voice rang out over the laughing.
I swore at him. Oh no.
At that moment, the class fell silent, but not because of me. The teacher, Mr Adams, walked into the class.
I looked at him, with the fear on my face most likely visible, but he barely even glanced at me.
"Get back to your seats, you useless students!" he barked. "If you're not all sitting in three seconds, I can easily double the homework!"
I slowly sat down while everyone else scrambled to find their seats.
Why didn't he say anything? I openly swore and caused a commotion. I might be good at the subject, but I'm definitely not his top student. Why did he let me go?
At that moment the bell rang. School was over and it was finally weekend.

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