Chapter 5: I gotta present for you bitch, open the door!

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I stand in front of a door, holding a dead pig in my arms with a large piece of cloth draped over my arm and a handle of a half-filled bucked of water around my forearm. But the door I stand in front of is not just any door. It's Enoch's door. I don't want to see that dick again. His vibes give me the impression he is always like that. Dicky. And mean. To everyone. Oh well, I am here now. No going back now. I knock on the door. 

"What?" A bored Scottish accent hollers from behind the door.

"I've got something you might be interested in."

"Yeah, and what's that?" The voice says, just as bored and uninterested as before.

"If you open the door, you'll see for yourself." I say, slightly annoyed.

"Yep, okay, go give it to someone who cares."

"I gotta present for you bitch, open the door!" I say to the door as it is probably more interested than the person behind it.

"Well, I don't want it."

"Actually, I think you do." I say as I open the door for myself and stride in. The dingy, darkish room I enter is so different to everything else in the loop, which is mostly sunshiny and happy. A window, covered mostly by dark curtains, is the only light source in the room. One side of the room is just all shelving, with jars upon jars of... hearts. Animal hearts, I hope, of all shapes and sizes. On the other side of the room is a desk, with animal parts, tools and ravaged dolls scattered all over it. And behind that desk sits a very angry looking Scottish boy glaring at me.

"What are you doing in here? Get out." He growls.

I put the pig, bucket and cloth down on the ground and take a hunting knife out of my pocket. I hold it in his direction, an eyebrow lifted in expectation. He sits there, looking at me, pissed as hell.

"Get out." He repeats.

"Grow some balls and get your sorry ass over here, you dick. I'm doing this new thing, called 'being nice,' you should try it sometime."

"Why? What is it you oh so desperately want to give me?" He grunts as he gets up and stalks towards me.

"The heart of the pig." I say, pointing at the dead pig on the ground. He looks down and his eyes slightly widen. I press the knife handle into his hands, step around him and lean against his desk. Enoch doesn't move. He just stands, motionless, staring at the dead pig on his floor. I clear my throat.

"Could you hurry this up a little? I actually have to take the pig to the kitchen sometime today." I tell him.

He seems to snap out of whatever trance has taken over him. He sits on the ground next to the pig and makes a few very precise incisions in the skin above the pig's heart. He lifts the flap of skin, revealing all of the pig's insides. I watch him as he snaps some of the pig's ribcage and reaches in and rips out its heart. Blood sprays out of the still-beating heart, dribbling down Enoch's hand, spattering on the floor. I grab the bucket I brought and put it next to him.

"So the heart can beat out the remaining blood in it. So then the inside of it doesn't have festering blood in it." I say.

Enoch looks at me for a second, nods once, then dunks the heart in the water. The water soon becomes a deep red. As Enoch does this, I wrap the cloth around the bleeding wound on the dead pig to prevent a blood trail from Enoch's room to the kitchen. I go up to his shelves filled with jars and find an empty one with some liquid in it to preserve the heart and put it down beside him. He glances up at me for a second again then places the heart in a jar and screws on the lid. I pick up the pig and the bucket, then turn towards the door.

"I'll come back tomorrow to see what it is you do with all these hearts." I say as I walk out the door to no reply but a wide-eyed stare. "Bye Enoch." Bastard. I think to myself as I walk down the hall. Couldn't even grow big enough balls to give some acknowledgement. ____________________________________________________________

Ohhh!! Sassy. I would apologize for the short chapter, but I'm really not sorry. Sorry, but not sorry. I think I'll write another really short chapter right now just to compensate for this really short chapter. And, I'll write it in Enoch's POV (Point of view, if you didn't know that, but I hope you did, I mean, seriously, if ya didn't know that, get with the program!! Do you even internet?!?!) Anyway, comment if you feel like it and I'd just like to say something to the new people reading this fanfic... HI! WELCOME TO THIS CRAZY, WACKY WORLD OF MY IMAGINATION!! (Well, my and Ransom Riggs's imaginations, as he invented the characters and setting, I only invented the plot, yadda yadda yadda, disclaimer, I don't own the characters or setting, blah blah blah, just the plot, whatever, JUST STOP PROCRANASTINATING ABOUT WRITING THE NEXT CHAPTER TAMIKA!!) Okay, yeah, I have well and truly lost my sanity and am talking to myself. Don't judge me, I know you do it too! Surely you do it too! I HOPE you do it too! Anyway, see ya next chapter!!


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