Milliard's POV
I watch naked in the Parlor as Y/N and Enoch kiss. It physically hurts.
The book I gave Y/N, the book of Peculiaridom, one of my most prized possessions, lies on the floor. Discarded. Disregarded. DISGRACEFUL!!!
I loved her. I'd give up anything for Y/N. Even my books. Even my life. What would Enoch ever do for her? Hurt her? Mistreat her? Be mean to her? PERVE ON HER AT THE DINNER TABLE?!
I have never known pain like this. I now understand why Emma swore off love when Abe left the loop so many years ago.
Because it hurts like fucking hell.
But Y/N's love is something that is to be fought for.
So for her, I will fight.
You, Enoch, my friend, are screwed. Because I will fight tooth and claw, dirty, a thousand scary dolls, an army of homunculi and a hollow or two just for one of Y/N's smiles. So what will you do, Enoch?
Oh God! Is this actually happening? This is seriously going to be a bloody, full-blown, all-out war over you!! Do you feel special? You should. Until next time, stay tuned for more!!!!
Hope (Enoch O'Connor x Reader)
FanficIs there hope for anything? Is there hope for survival? Is there hope for you? Or are you completely lost to the world? Travelling to Miss Peregrine's loop with your ymbryne Miss Avocet was a struggle. Your loop was raided by wights and hollows...