Chapter 16: I guess I love... No, I know I love you

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Enoch's POV

I sit on the window seat in the Parlor, watching the stars. Y/N has her head rested on my shoulder, her head fitting perfectly in the crook of my neck. Like a jigsaw puzzle. A perfect fit.

She kissed me. And I don't know why. I know she told me why. But does that even matter? I'm... not really that kind of person. The kind of person who is freely loved. I'm just... the way I am, I guess. She kissed me, and I don't know why. But either way, I liked it. A lot.

She is a beautiful creature, filled with life and hope. And she chose me, someone who is... well... her opposite, I guess. I know in physics or something, opposites attract or whatever. But this ain't science. This is life. Real life. And fantasies are not the kind of thing I usually chase. But she makes me do things that I never thought I could. Just little things, but to me, they are pretty big things. She makes me laugh. Kind of. I don't really laugh laugh, but she has brought me the closest to actual laughter than everyone. Ever. She isn't afraid of me, making me feel like I'm not a monster that needs to be restrained away in the attic. She... she... understands me, I guess. She sees me, not anything else. And I love that.

Y/N reaches up and runs her hand along my jawline. I look at her and she gives me a lazy half-smile.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks.

"You." I reply, and look out at the stars.


"Because you're beautiful in so many ways."

She runs her fingers through my hair. "You're a hopeless romantic." She teases me.

"I'm not very good at this kind of thing." I look back at her.

"That's okay. Neither am I."

"Then we can learn together." I say and kiss the top of her head.

"I think you missed." She says.

We both lean in, my heart pounding. Then our lips find each other. She threads her fingers through my hair and I hold her as close as I possibly can to my body. All I can think about is the way she entrances me, the way time seems to slow right down, just for us. The Earth stops turning, Miss Peregrine's pocket watch stops ticking and my heart stops racing. It is her and me and us and nothing else. There are no stars out the window, there is no seat we are sitting on, there is no house or loop or children or peculiarities or anything. Only us.

Then everything speeds up, back to normal, as her lips leave mine. Y/N smiles at me, then leans back on the window seat.

"So, learn anything?" She asks.

"I guess I learnt that I really, really like that."

"You guess you learnt that?" She teases.

"Actually, I think I know. I know that I really, really like that." I tell her.

"Good. Coz there is gonna be a lot more where that came from." She says with a cheeky smile.

I guess I have been guessing things my whole life. All my thoughts are I guess this or I guess that. I have never really been sure of anything. But right now, I am a 110% sure of this. Us. This is what I want. I guess I love— No, I know I love Y/N. It doesn't matter if everyone else in the entire world sees a monster. Y/N didn't, so it's her opinion that matters.


Hey, I'm back! Did ya all miss moi? Probably not. Hope ya liked the chapter. I'll write the next one, like, now-ish, so bye, I gotta go do that. Comment and tell me where I can improve on this, or just tell me something funny that I can laugh at. Either option is great. See ya all soon!


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