Chapter 32: Well, this sounds stupid, so let's do it!!

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"So that's the plan?" I ask, dumbfounded. We are all gathered in the common room in the ship. We are only an hour away from my old loop. My very own hell on Earth. Although I have to go there and try to save Miss Peregrine from Mr. Barron and the other wights. I couldn't protect the kids in that loop last time, but I am sure as hell gonna protect these kids this time. They are my friends, my family. Jake just told us what the plan is, how we are going to get Miss Peregrine back. I only just realized something very crucial, though. Jake has a lot of amazing talents. But making plans that sound like they aren't going to get us all killed is not one of them. "Like, the thing we are gonna do once we enter the loop? The plan?"

"Yeah that's the plan." Jake looks at me quizzically. "Why, what's the problem?"

"Um, the small but extremely insignificant flaw in your 'plan.'" Olive says, as shocked as I am. "That's the problem!"

"What flaw?"

We all face palm. Really, Jake, really? You truly can't see the problem in this?

"Jake, only you can see the hollows! We are going to get ourselves killed!" Exclaims Emma.

"Y/N can see the hollows too." Jake points out. "Remember, if she shape shifts into me, she can use my peculiarity and see them too!"

"Oh, good-o, now two of us can see hollows!" Enoch says sarcastically. "Woop-de-do-da. What about the rest of us, huh?"

"Will I die, Jake?" Claire cries, worry crinkling up her little face. "Will the hollows get me?"

"What about me Jake? Will I die?" Bronwyn squeals in concern.

"No. No one is going to die, I promise."

"So if someone does die, I can say 'I told you so?'" Enoch says. Leave it to him to ask that. I look at him, the one person who fully accepts who I am. He knows who I am, what I've done, and yet he still loves me. I don't know how, but he does. There will be a time when I will tell the others. But not now. They can't see me as I really am with my blue skin. They'll freak.

"It will work, just trust me." Jake assures.

Mm hmm. Yeah. Let's just trust Jake, that'll ensure that hollows won't rip our eyes out.

"Well do any of you have a better idea?"

No, clearly not.


This plan is stupid on so many levels. It'll probably kill us all.

So let's do it!


Yeah, stuff Drake, that sounds like how YOLO was actually invented. A bunch of kids with bad-ass powers decided to do something stupid to save their mother (I guess that's what Miss P is to them) and even though it's gonna get 'em all killed, they're gonna do it anyway because, LOL, YOLO!

God, I need a life.

Comment any feedback and stuff etc.

OH YEAH and before I forget, I really need to ask you guys something. It's pretty important so please comment me your response. Do you guys want me to finish this fanfic at the end of the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children movie or do you want me to keep writing it although from the book's events and stuff? Lemme explain this a little more, because that sounds confusing. Do you want me to finish the fanfic at the end of the mphfpc movie, where they all get on the boat and sail away, done, end of fanfic, or do you want me to keep writing it, but by using the 2nd and 3rd books as a guide to the events that will happen? I haven't really decided and thought, ya know, why don't I ask you lovely peoples? So what do ya think? Finish it where the movie finishes or keep writing with the plot of the 2nd and 3rd book?

Make sure you tell me!!

Anyway, see ya soon, love you all, don't go anywhere, blah, blah, blah.



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