Chapter 23: I'm sorry...

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Oh. She... she... But how? Does it matter how? All that matters is that she knows. And he believes it despite trying so desperately not to.

I watch quietly from the doorway, Olive manipulating Enoch into thinking I'm nothing but a rotten spy, gay man, a Kardashian, a monster. A fake.

I'm not a spy. Or a gay man. Or a Kardashian. But I am a monster. I am a fake.

I can see Enoch trying to block out her words, trying to prevent their meaning sink in. He doesn't want to believe it. He doesn't want to think that I lied to him. But those words, the truth, hit him hard, finding cracks in between his fingers crushing his ears and absorbing into his brain. He doesn't want to believe it. But he does. I lied to him. I lied to everyone.

I had to lie. I've had to lie my whole life. I wonder how the hell Olive found out about it.

I turn away from the door and walk away.

I'm sorry Enoch...


Uh Oh. This isn't looking good.

Bloody Olive.

Don't you just wish the bitch would accidentally set herself on fire and die? If that's possible.

I'll see if I can make it possible.

This is my story after all.

Anything could happen.



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