How dare Millard! I thought he was a nice person! Then he comes along and shits on my boyfriend and my feelings. Lovely boy he is. 100 percent kind, I swear by the bird he'll win an award for being nice. Totally.
But is what he said was true? Did Enoch actually make someone leave the loop, age and die? If he did, does that make him a monster?
Is he a monster?
No, he's not. But.
I hate that. He's not a monster. But.
But he could be.
That would make two of us.
But I have boundaries, boundaries that are only crossed in special circumstances.
What if he doesn't?
Shit. Everyone's really just questioning each other at this point.
So suddenly everyone's on edge
All because of jealously
This is really s-a-a-a-d
Oh shit
Yeah, this is why I don't write songs. Because I ruin them.
Hey, that'd be a really cool story for Wattpad actually. People tell me songs and I write a stupid remix of them with a theme of choice for each one. I'll consider doing that. Tell me whatcha think of the idea. Or the chapter. Comment if ya want to, now I'll go write the next chapter or so if you're lucky.
Bye, see you all soon!
Hope (Enoch O'Connor x Reader)
FanfictionIs there hope for anything? Is there hope for survival? Is there hope for you? Or are you completely lost to the world? Travelling to Miss Peregrine's loop with your ymbryne Miss Avocet was a struggle. Your loop was raided by wights and hollows...