Chapter 11: My new hobbies are mass producing dolls and collecting mouse hearts

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Enoch's POV

I showed Y/N my peculiarity. She's bound to be afraid of it. Everyone else is to a certain point. Why would she be any different? She keeps on surprising me though.

"Wow. That's actually really cool." She said after my dolls finished their battle.

"What?" I was dumbfounded. No one had ever called it 'cool' before. It was always 'Okay, I'm leaving now coz I'm gonna throw up' or 'WTF? You call this a peculiarity? It's a downright curse!' or my personal favourite reaction, Jake's, which is run out of the room as fast as you can and find Emma to go cry to.

"I said that's really cool. You got a really good peculiarity." Y/N repeated. She recons I have a good peculiarity? Compared to her shape shifting, what I do is nothing. It... made me feel all warm inside when she said that though.

"You're... not... scared off or anything?" I had to ask her. Everyone is scared off in some way by me. Not just my peculiarity, but by me. In general. I'm either creepy, or scary, or mean, or disturbing, or evil, or bloody Satan. Never anything else opposite from that.

"Um, why would I be?" Those words gave me the slightest hope that I'm not creepy, or scary, or mean, or disturbing, or evil, or Satan. But I know I am. I just had to re-remind myself.

"Because I made scary dolls fight to the death." Yes, I do. I could be digging up and reanimating unicorns, but no, I choose to bring ugly dolls to life instead. To make matters even brighter, I make 'em fight each other to the death.

"Trust me, Enoch, you'll need a lot more than a few 'scary dolls' to get rid of me." The things she must've seen to say something like this. I guess now I believe her whole loop-got-raided-everyone-died-except-Miss-Avocet-and-I story. If it is true, watching everything you know get destroyed and basically everyone you know and love get killed would give you pretty thick skin. Fair enough.

She actually liked my dolls. And my homunculi. Of all things, she actually made jokes about it. I am now proud to say that my hobbies include mass producing and manufacturing dolls and collecting mouse hearts. She thought my peculiarity was cool. That'd make her the first. And quite possibly the last.

I don't know, but, I guess I don't mind her company. She is interested in what I do. She likes my dolls and clay men. She likes me—I mean, she likes my company. She makes me feel more wanted than I ever have in my extended life. Why couldn't more people be like her? I think to myself.

"Wow. You are really talented, you know that?" Y/N says and gives me a half-smile. She what?! She thinks that...? Oh my... but, really... what? I can't believe that she thinks that this is a talent. I can't believe she sees something in me, more than others. I can't believe that she actually... cares? Is that the right word? I think so but it doesn't sound right—

"Enoch? You listening?" Y/N says as she clicks her fingers in front of my face. Shit. I completely just started daydreaming midway through a conversation. What am I supposed to say to rectify that? Oh god...

So I just tell her the truth. "Oh, sorry, I just started wondering about something. I don't really have too many long conversations with people. Ever."

"That's alright." Y/N says. "What were you daydreaming about? Did I get boring?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." I smirk, while I think about how I really would like her to know exactly my thoughts of her, of how she makes me feel.

"I probably don't want to know. You're probably thinking about whether or not it'd be easy to cut out my heart and use it for something, knowing you." Y/N jokes.

"I absolutely would, but then who would tease my hobbies mass producing dolls and collecting mouse hearts?" I say, the corners of my mouth curled up.

"Probably Milliard. He'd do it, I'm sure." Y/N says as she stands up. "I mean, he accused you of perving on me, so I wouldn't doubt that he'd tease you of other things."

"You do know I wasn't actually perving on you, right? That's really creepy and stuff." I tell her. I need her to understand that I'm not like that. I was only trying to see if she was okay that night at dinner.

"Sure, sure. I'll believe that for your sake, Enoch." She says with a cheeky smile. "Now, I'll leave you work. See you later." Y/N disappears out the door.

She will never know how much I wish she would change her mind and turn around and come back in here. I sigh and get back to work, trying to push Y/N out of my head. I don't even know why she is in my head.

Then someone walks in. I lift my head in excitement, only to see Olive.

"Whatcha doing?" She asks me. As if she doesn't already know. She visits me nearly every day more than once. I sigh again and ignore the question, continuing to work. Olive takes up her standing position beside me and leans over, trying to see what I'm doing. As if she can't already see by not leaning over me. She is quite tall, you know. I can feel her breathing down my neck.

God, it's gonna be a really long day.


Hey. Do ya like it? I hope so. Things are starting to get a little tense with everybody. Let us see how this will play out! *starts to cackle evilly but it turns into a coughing fit* I'm still sick, so, again, you guys know the drill, flowers, chocolates, painkillers, cards, cake, drugs, anything sugary and comments. Oh, yeah, just a shout out to iridescens for all your comments and votes. Love hearing from you!! Also, thanks for following me. My first follow OMGGGGGGGGG! Sorry, got excited. But really, thank you! Until next time (probably sometime tomorrow, maybe, if you guys are lucky!!)


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