Chapter 24: Do the wrong things for the right reasons, right? Wrong!

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Millard POV

I am generally a nice, kind human being. But what I'm about to do isn't very nice. Or kind. Or right by any stretch of the imagination. If anything, it is the most absolute wrong thing I have ever done in my 87 years of life. But I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it, and I'm not going to regret it. I'm effectively doing all the wrong thing for all the right reasons.

It will work. Olive's plan was ingenious. Stop worrying about it. It will work. You'll be fine. Come on, grow some balls. It will work. Stop, stop, stop...

I can't keep second-guessing myself. I either do this or I don't. I remember Olive's little pep talk to encourage me to go through with the plan.

"If you love Y/N as much as you say you do, you'll do this. She'll be better off in the end. Better off with you. Don't you want that? Don't you want her to be happy?" Olive's voice rings loud and clear in my mind.

She's right. Y/N will be so much better off without Enoch. She'll be happier afterwards, when she and I get together, which is basically guaranteed to happen. I'm doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, so that makes it right, right? Wrong! It still makes me a horrible person. Too bad. One day Y/N will thank me for it.

I see her, sitting alone on the cold, steel floor. She looks like she's been crying. This brings a pang of sadness to my own heart. I hope Enoch broke up with her. That'd make my job so much easier.

I walk up to her and sit on the floor beside her.

"Hey, Y/N, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask her soothingly.

"I'm fine." She says steadily. Although, her bloodshot eyes and slightly red face give her away.

"What happened?" I ask her gently.

"Nothing." She dismisses the question with a flick of her hand


"Nothing happened. I promise."

"Enoch didn't happen to break up with you, did he?" I immediately realise it was the wrong thing to say as she begins to glare at me through her tears.

"How do you know about that?" She asks, her voice low.

"What? That he broke up with you?" My head suddenly is dizzy and my voice goes really high-pitched. I'm so excited! I don't have to try to cause rifts between Y/N and Enoch to get them to break up. They have already broken up! Oh, Y/N is going to be mine sooner than I know it!

"No. That we are dating. How did you know that?" She narrows her eyes, as if trying to work something out. She glares at me. It is just a very angry look, but something inside me tightens and I feel myself shrink away.

"Everyone knows it." I try to throw everyone under the bus so she doesn't work out I've been spying on her, but I think this aggravates her more. She sniffles, then looks away, trying to keep her anger on a tight leash.

"What do you want, Millard?"

"To see if you're alright!"

"Well, I am. You can go now."

"Who do you think you're fooling? I can see you're upset."

"Please leave. I want to be alone."

"Look. I'm here now and I don't want to leave you alone."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm a nice person." Who am I kidding? I am, in this very moment, the worst person in the entire universe. "Well, at least I'm here. I don't see Enoch comforting you."

"Excuse me?"

"Enoch is a monster. He wouldn't know kindness if it hit him on the head. He just destroys life and fun. He takes it away. Like a sponge, he just eliminates it all. Is that what you want to date? A moody beast with no feelings? A monster?"

"You listen here, Millard. He's got more love in his heart than everyone here put together. He doesn't show it, but he does care. He cares about you guys. He cares about me. He's had a pretty fucked up life, so stop putting shit on him for being the way he is!" She fumes at me, full of rage. Um, this wasn't part of the plan. To anger her to the point where she fires everything I say back at me. And there just so happens to be no Plan B. Great, I'm screwed.

So what do I do?

"He's a monster." I scream in Y/N's face. "He's killed people. He murdered a little girl, convinced her to walk out of our loop. She died because her actual age caught up with her. So that's not a monster? Huh? What about when he killed his father? Or his mother? Or any of the animals that he takes the hearts from? I don't know about you, but that sounds just as bad as a hollow to me!"

"Get out." She snarls at me.

"No." I tell her. "Are you okay?"

"No. Clearly not, you dick! Get out!"

"Look, I'm sorry, but that's the truth—"


I sit there, frozen, as her face contorts while she screams at me.

"Leave!" She demands.

I can't move. I can't move. I can't move...

"Fine. I'll leave since you won't."

She gets up and walks away.

I was doing the wrong thing for the right reason.

But now it just feels like I did the wrong thing for the really wrong reason.



Okay, I'm gonna go write another chapter...

Let's see what's gonna happen next...

See ya soon, don't go anywhere!


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