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It had been a week since Jeongguk's date, but there was no change. He thought that maybe he still was in danger, but the continuous absence of danger or any sign of deadly illnesses made him stop thinking about it. He hadn't left his room though, just in case anything happened to him.

He still had no idea why his date was wrong. So, what was going to happen to him now? Did he have a different date?

Throughout the week he even thought about what Taehyung had said. What if a deity was actually in love with him? That'd be great, he said to himself.

His mind was also clouded by what had happened between him and Taehyung. His best friend had kissed him. He had mixed feelings about it. He didn't know how to react or on what to react. Should he be more shocked that his best friend was gay and in love with him or annoyed that he hadn't even told him about his sexuality?

Jeongguk didn't mind if someone was gay or lesbian or whatever they felt like. He regarded each person as a person and treated them all equally. However, he didn't swing that way, which is what now made him nervous concerning meeting with Taehyung. He loved him, but solely as a friend. And most of all he didn't want to hurt his friend.

He finally decided to get out of bed after a week of lying there listening to music, playing video games and sleeping. He was alive for God's sake and he wasted his time doing nothing.

He picked up his phone and checked his missed calls. Taehyung had called him approximately a thousand times this past week. He'd also left a million messages.

Taehyungie: hey, you okay? why aren't you answering my calls?

Taehyungie: i went by your house today. your mom told me you needed alone time. call me when you feel better.

Taehyungie: can you meet me today? i'm really worried.

Taehyungie: also we need to talk... when can i see you?

Those were just a few of the messages that Taehyung had sent over the last week. The others were either random thoughts of Taehyung's or different versions of those messages.

Jeongguk knew what Taehyung wanted to talk about. He felt ready to talk about it, too. He was going to tell Taehyung about his feelings and then feel bad about it, but it was something that could not be done.

But when he finally got the courage to text Taehyung, he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." He said weakly.

"Jeonggukkie, how are you? Is everything okay?" He heard his mother's soothing voice. "Well, I thought maybe you could come downstairs for a few minutes... T-That's if you feel like it, I'm not going to pressure you or anything." She said waving her hands.

"No, I'll come." Jeongguk said without any hesitation. "I'll get ready..."


After he cleaned himself and got dressed, he was at least presentable. He went downstairs and saw his mother reading some papers.

He caughed to let her know he was present and she quickly turned her head to see her son. "Glad you came. Why don't you sit down? I have some news."

Jeongguk took the seat next to his mother. She passed him some coffee and opened her mouth. "I think I found someone to rent the empty room next to yours. I know it's not as important as I made it sound, but I had to at least let you know someone will be moving next to you."

Jeongguk was okay with that. They'd been looking for someone to rent the room for quite a long time. They needed the money, so he couldn't see anything negative in this whole thing. "That's great, mom. When do they move in?"

"He said he would like to move in tomorrow, since he doesn't want to pay for a hotel any longer."

That's good. The sooner, the better. Jeongguk didn't want to be a burden to his mom anymore. They didn't have much money left, because he knew that his nineteenth year would be his last one. So, he spent most of his parents' money to have fun, but now it seemed that they would have to work hard to earn more money. The fact that the room was now rented made him feel more relaxed about the money issue.

"I want you to welcome him tomorrow, since I'll have left for work by the time he comes. Show him where the bathrooms are and where the kitch-"

"I know, mom."

"Okay, good. Make sure he feels like he's home. Prepare some rice cakes if needed." Mrs Jeon suggests. "I'll go wash some clothes now. How about you do something fun?"

"I'll go somewhere with Taehyung. I'll call him."

His mother nods and leaves the room. Jeongguk takes his phone out of his pocket only to see he had another text from Taehyung.

Taehyungie: am i being annoying? why are you not talking to me?

Then another one.

Taehyungie: i'm sorry... i'll stop texting. you can't be like that for the rest of the summer, dude.

Taehyungie: are you going to come to work? manager-nim is furious. he says he's going to fire you if you don't go.

Jeongguk presses the phone icon next to Taehyung's name and puts his phone close to his ear.

"Jeongguk?! Yah! You finally called! I can't believe the manager-nim trick worked!" Taehyung technically screams through the phone.

"No, I just..." Jeongguk still feels a little awkward, but Taehyung's cheerfulness lifts a burden off his shoulders. "Wanna meet?"

"For real?! You're leaving the house?" Jeongguk can almost see Taehyung smiling. "Sure, I'll come pick you up in ten. See you in a bit!"

Not long after that, Jeongguk hears the doorbell. He lazily drags his feet to the door and opens it, only to see a familiar face.

But it is not Taehyung's. 

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