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*warning! contains triggering thoughts and violence. reader discretion is advised*


Jeongguk felt a little dizzy when he woke up. He didn't know where he was or how he'd gotten there in the first place.

Seeing nurses run around made him realise he was at a hospital. He was lying on a bed and when he tried to stand up, a sharp pain shot him. His ribs hurt a lot.

He looked to his right and saw Taehyung sleeping. He looked so tired, even though he was asleep. Jeongguk felt like stroking his hair and he did. As he caressed him, he whispered "thank you".

Taehyung was in deep sleep, so he didn't wake up, even when two people entered the room.

"You're awake! Finally!" Yoongi uttered and walked towards him.

Behind him was Jimin, who was walking slowly. He's here, Jeongguk thought and Jimin smirked. "I'm glad you're okay, Jeongguk. Those guys hurt you a lot." he informed him.

Jeongguk stared at both his hyungs and sighed. He opened his mouth to say something, but Yoongi stopped him. "The doctor said you have two fractured ribs, so you'll have to stay home for a few days. Plus, you got three stitches on your forehead."

Oh, was that why his forehead hurt as well? He turned his head to see Taehyung waking up. When he looked down, he observed that Taehyung's ankle had a cast around it. "Why is everyone so loud?" Taehyung mumbled.

"Tae, what happened to your leg?" Jeongguk asks and his hyung looks at his leg.

"I guess I... Oh my God! Jeongguk are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere? What am I saying, of course it hurts! Do you need anything? I'll bring it to y-"

"Taehyung, I'm okay." Jeongguk interrupts Taehyung's flow. "Just tell me what happened to your leg." he says calmly.

"I, well, I guess Namjoon or Hoseok did this?" he says. "Doesn't matter, it's not important."

Jeongguk is thankful that Taehyung saved him from those two, but he felt angry, since Taehyung had gotten hurt because of him. Yet once again.

Why did it always have to be like this? Why did he even survive if his life was going to be the same? Whatever was the point of living like this?


A nurse, who answered to the name Jong Minah, made the three boys leave. Jeongguk - according to her and the doctor - had to 'rest'.

The last thing he did was 'rest'. His thought were haunting him and clouding his judgement. Why should I live if I'm only causing that to Taehyung? Why am I still a burden to him? I should've died back then.

His eyes were watery and his throat hurt. Even before his date he felt like there was no point in living.

His grades were bad, since he gave no fuck. He got bullied day by day. His friends were limited because of that. He only caused harm to those few he had. He was worthless.

He'd thought about it. Ending his life himself, that is. He didn't bother though, since nature would take care of that herself on the 15th of June.

But Jeongguk was just that unlucky.

He thought he was given a chance. That for once someone had decided that he should live. But he also believed that at least his life would change. Now? He was not so sure about it.

Now his life was even more stressful. Not only had his previous situation not changed a bit, but he also had other things on his plate; Taehyung was more hurt because of him; his family was broke because of him. Everything was worse because of him.

He also had those nightmares, that had taken over his dreams. At least before his date his dreams were sweet.

Whatever, he thought. He should man up and find ways to cope.

He thought of happy things, like puppies and rainbows. Rainbows always come out after big storms, he reminded himself. This might as well be my storm, after which a rainbow will appear.

And he closed his eyes.


Same thing. Sand everywhere. The only difference this time was that a man was standing right across him.

The man's hands were in his pockets. Jeongguk could not make his face out, but he could see his big plump lips. The man took his hands out and started walking towards Jeongguk.

"Save him." the man's deep voice said. "Save him." he repeated once again.

Jeongguk didn't know what was going on. He'd never experienced this nightmare before.

But it was a nightmare. He felt uneasy, his feet couldn't hold him, he fell to his knees.

What did the man mean by what he said? Save whom? From what?

The man turned around and started walking the other way, leaving Jeongguk behind.

What was the meaning of this?


Jeongguk woke up in sweat this time as well. He tried to get up, but someone prevented him from doing so.

"Don't. It'll hurt too much." Jimin told him. "Was it another one? Another nightmare?" he asked, his voice full of worry.

"Mmm..." Jeongguk mumbled and layed down.

"What was it about?" Jimin asked, as if he knew something new had come up, but Jeongguk wanted to figure it out for himself.

Who was that man? Who did Jeongguk have to 'save'?

He wanted to tell Jimin, but he simply couldn't trust him.

Not after he saw his big plump lips.


sad, i know. don't kill me, i have to write more 😭
so who does jeongguk have to save? 😐

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