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*warning! contains violence. reader discretion is advised.*


"What the fuck are you doing there?" Taehyung screams from a few meters away.

Jeongguk had been calling his name inside his head for a long time. He can't believe he actually showed up.

"Get off him now!" he tries to shove Namjoon away from Jeongguk, but they successfully block him.

"How about no? What you gonna do about it?" Namjoon asks. "Seokjin, take him to the car."

Seokjin looks up at his dongsaeng and submissively does what he's told. Why doesn't he say something, isn't he the hyung? Jeongguk contemplates. Seokjin puts Jeongguk's shoulder to carry him to the car.

"Stop right there." Taehyung warns, as Jeongguk is being carried by Seokjin. "You fucks all know I'm not letting you go anywhere with him in your hands. He needs to be taken to the hospital."

"So romantic! Be my Romeo, Taehyung?" Hoseok does puppy eyes at Taehyung, who's now growling with anger. Namjoon shoots Hoseok a nasty look.

"Scared that we're gonna kill him?" Namjoon asks. "He ain't worth the try, prince charming. Besides, shouldn't he already have died?"

That was the last straw. Taehyung moved closer, step by step.

"I see, you want two on one, boy. Just like the old days..." Namjoon says, as he and Hoseok clentch their fists.

The older one goes for a punch, but Taehyung ducks it, then hits him on his abdomen.

As they fight, Jeongguk struggles to steady himself on the car's trunk. "Tae...hyung..." he manages to say.

"Shh, don't speak. You're hurt." Seokjin says as he takes the first aid kit from the car. He starts wiping the blood off of Jeongguk's forehead. "You'll probably need stitches for that one." He points to Jeongguk's forehead.

As Seokjin continues to treat his wounds, Jeongguk wonders why he'd help him. If he wanted to do that so badly, then why did he stand there watching him getting hurt in the first place?

"Tae...hyung...Ah, AH!" A shot of pain goes through Jeongguk's body. Feels like electricity.

"Jeongguk?" Seokjin's voice sounds distant now. As if he's slowly getting away from Jeongguk. "Can you hear me?"

He hardly can. The pain is now constant. His ribs feel like they're all getting crushed at the same time.

"You cannot lose conscience now, you hear me?" Seokjin shakes him a little bit, which actually makes the pain worse. Jeongguk heard Seokjin's voice but he couldn't quite make out what he had said. His eyelids are very heavy and the pain won't go away.

"Taehyung..." he whispers as he closes his eyes and falls back.



He's pretty sure both Namjoon and Hoseok's noses are broken now. Both of them are on the ground, touching their noses.

"You ought to have known better to not mess with Jeongguk any more." Taehyung glares both of them.

He runs towards the parked car. "Taehyung..." he hears Jeongguk say and he would feel relieved and glad he was okay, had Jeongguk not passed out.

"Get out of my way!" he says and pushes Seokjin away.

Taehyung touches Jeongguk's face, which has a few cuts. They are not too deep to leave any scars, but they sure do look painful. The one on the top of his forehead is still bleeding agressively. That one, Taehyung knows, will need stitches.

He grabs a tissue from the first aid kit next to him and puts it on the top of the wound while pressing it to stop the bleeding. He's so fragile, he thinks. He takes a good look at Seokjin, who is now helping Namjoon and Hoseok get up. The three of them start to falter towards the car.

Taehyung tries to carry Jeongguk, so they can both get the hell out of there. But Jeongguk is heavier than Taehyung expected and the latter had also sprained his ankle during the fight. Taehyung can only hope for a miracle now. Like a bomb exploading in front of the three older guys' faces, or for their legs to mysteriously break.

However, that is not what happens, but he hears someone shout. It was Yoongi hyung and... Park Jimin...?

Park Jimin run up to Taehyung immediately as did Yoongi hyung. Park Jimin's finger removed Jeongguk's fringe from in front of his forehead, which revealed some ugly cuts and bruises that had started making their appearance. "Take him to the hospital as soon as you can go. Go with Min Yoongi. I'll be right behind you. Here take my car." Jimin instructed, as he handed his car keys to Yoongi, and both Taehyung and the older one nodded.

Taehyung run as fast as he could, but his foot had started to swell. It hurt as bad as it looked, but no matter what, he had to be quick.

"What happened?" asked Yoongi.

"I'll tell you everything I know at the hospital, hyung-"

"That's not what I meant. I can see what happens between them. But what happened to your foot?" Yoongi interrupts.

"It's fine, I can go on." Taehyung reassures him.

"No, you're not, you punk! Give Jeongguk to me. I'll carry him!" And so he does.

Taehyung knows Jeongguk will be alright. He might be hospitalised for a few days, but he'll recover.

His mind drifts to Park Jimin, who was left behind with the other three. Would he be alright? He didn't even know who he was messing with.

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