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"Not you, too, hyung!" Jeongguk whines and rolls his eyes.

"What? It's obvious that a deity has a crush on you! No way you would stll be alive, if that weren't the case."

If Jeongguk heard that once again, he had sworn to himself he'd never talk to them again. It was not funny. At least he didn't find it funny at all.

"When you have any better ideas, feel free to say it, but please don't talk nonsense."

"Okay, then. How about this?" Yoongi's facial expression changes. He now looks more serious about what he's going to say. "I heard about this story back in the military. I'm sure you'll believe my first guess more than this one, but I'll tell you nevertheless."

Jeongguk is fully concentrated on what Yoongi is going to say. He is eager to listen. He wants to know what went wrong with him, why he was a special one.

"This story is about a girl back in the Goryeo times. She was supposed to die at a young age, but when her time came she didn't die. According to my sources the reason sounded way too farfetched." Yoongi takes a deep breath in and puts his hands on Jeongguk's shoulders. "You want to know what it was? The reason was no other than... a deity fell in lov-"

"Okay, okay! That's enough!" Jeongguk says and stands up. "I'm leaving. Tell Taehyung to meet me downstairs. I'll see you again when you're in your right mind. Call me when you've actually found something!" And then he left immediately.


Taehyung took Jeongguk back home right after. Jeongguk said goodbye to his best friend and went inside.

When he finally got the chance to lie on his bed, he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." he said and Park Jimin's head popped.

"Do you have a pen? Mine has no more ink." he asks. When Jeongguk stood up to pick a pen from his desk, Jimin clearly saw that Jeongguk had no date on his arm. "How come your arm is clear?" he asks.

Jeongguk doesn't bother answering. "I'm pretty sure you had one when I helped you get up." he hears Jimin's voice once again.

"It's none of your business." he replies sharply. "Now take the pen and get out of my room."

"Wait." Jimin stops Jeongguk from closing the door. "Do you want to talk about last night? You seemed pretty upset this morning as well."

"What do you care? Look, I just met you. Even if there was something I'd want to talk about, I wouldn't talk about it with you. That's why I have Taehyung."

"You sound like you don't trust me. Don't you think I should be the one to choose whether you are trustworthy or not?" Jimin says, his tone more serious and demanding. "I could never trust a survivor until I found out what they did to survive."

Jeongguk is taken aback by Jimin's words. He understood what he said, but he himself didn't even know how he had survived.

"I know you don't know what is going on; I can see that from your face. I think you need to talk to someone." Jimin says sympathetically.

"And you think that someone is you?" Jeongguk asks him.

"Well, would it make you feel the same if I told you that I have no date either?" Jimin says as he pulls his sleeves up. Jeongguk stares at Park Jimin's arms. it was true; he didn't have any mark either.

"How th-"

"Maybe we can help each other out and find out what happened. See? I only want to help."

Jeongguk is still shocked. Up until this happened to him, he had never heard anything about a similar situation. And now Jimin was in the same place as he was? He didn't think so.

That's impossible, this cannot be a coincidence, he thinks to himself.

"Okay, come on in."


"I see..." Park Jimin says, after Jeongguk tells him about his nightmares. "So, you've been having these for a long time now?"

Jeongguk can't remember exactly when the nightmares started. Was it a week ago? Three days ago? "Nah, it's just been a few days. It's okay, there must be something in my mind that I can't quite get control of. I'll get over it."

"Well, no shit, Sherguk." Jimin whispers.

"You didn't tell me what happened to you, though." Jeongguk says and Jimin looks back at him.

"Well, it's not that different from your story; I was supposed to die, but didn't. There's only a small difference between us, though." Jeongguk is anticipating to know what happened to Park Jimin. He was curious about him anyway, but now he had caught his attention even more. "That is, I don't remember anything before that."

Seriously?! Jeongguk thought to himself. What was the point of wasting his time with Park Jimin when he was of no help at all? Still, he wanted to know more about Jimin.

"So what happened?" he asks.

"I woke up in an airport. I have no idea how I ended up there or why, but the only thing I could remember was my name." Park Jimin says and Jeongguk can't help but feel that, compared to Jimin, he was way luckier.

"Do you get nightmares as well?"

"No. I rarely sleep and when I do, it's not enough for me to have dreams." Park Jimin admits. Jeongguk feels bad about Jimin now. He also feels bad for treating him the way he did. Apparently Park Jimin was not a bad person. Now, he doesn't even seem arrogant. He just seemed vulnerable and... weak.

Jeongguk didn't feel like he was being comforted, but instead like he was comforting Park Jimin, because now his hand was resting on Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin's facial expression was blank. When Jeongguk notices, he asks "How long have you lived like this?"

Jimin hesitates for a few seconds. "It's not been long... J-Just a few months."

"And what have you been doing up until now?" Jeongguk wondered if he'd at least looked for his family or friends.

"Just work." Jimin replies shortly.

Work? Just work?

"If you're wondering if I'm looking for anyone from my past then no. I didn't and I won't. When I figured out what happened to me, I thought that maybe my memories were taken away for some reason. I wanted to start anew. "Jimin says with a very serious expression. "I want to help you, but the only thing I want to know is: why me? Also, why you? Why us?"

Jeongguk wants to know the answer to that as well. And if Jimin is the only asset to finding out, then he'll use it. 

he left his mark // btsWhere stories live. Discover now