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*warning! contains violence. reader discretion is advised.*


Jeongguk wakes up when his phone rings. He has a message.

His first thought was that Jimin was nowhere to be seen and had probably left to go to work.

To work?! What kind of work?

He jumps up and goes to Jimin's room. He knocks on the door and waits, as expected he doesn't get any answer, so he trespasses.

Thankfully, Jimin was lying on his bed. His eyes were closed and his hair was really messy. Jeongguk closed the door and went back to his room.

On second thought, just why did Jeongguk feel relieved? Jimin was definitely joking that night before.

A reaper his ass. He didn't even seem harmful. Still a jerk, but no way dangerous.

Jeongguk grabbed his phone and opened his messages. Right underneath the 'unread' collumn was Yoongi's contact name.

Yoongivenup: are you free for lunch? I have something to talk to you about.

Jeongguk had no idea what Yoongi would like to tell him. It couldn't be that... Yoongi had found the reason why all this was happening to him, right? Jeongguk was sure Yoongi knew that he didn't mean it when he said to only contact him if and when he had an answer...

But what if he'd really found something? Despite having a headache, Jeongguk decided to text Yoongi.

me: sure thing. meet me at the café we used to go to.

His head was throbbing, so he set his alarm and went to sleep again.



Jeongguk was late. He had taxted Yoongi to meet him at the café they used to go, but so far he hadn't shown up.

Yoongi started to get annoyed. It had been too long since the time they were supposed to meet. Jeongguk must have overslept or something, because he dind't even pick his phone up.

Yoongi got up and, when he turned around, his shoulder hit that of a man passing. "I'm sorry." he said. It was only for a moment, but Yoongi saw the man's face. "Oh, hey... Aren't you Park Jimin?"

"Huh?" Jimin slightly nods. "Yeah, that's me. Do I know you?"

He has a cute voice, Yoongi thought.

Jimin smiled and turned a little red.

"I am a friend of Jeongguk's. My name is Min Yoongi. Taehyung showed me a picture of you." Yoongi responds, his voice neutral. "I was actually waiting for Jeongguk, but he didn't show up. I'm leaving now. Nice to mee-"

"He didn't show up? Jeongguk left the house a while before I did. He mentioned something about meeting a friend, I guess that was you." Jimin interrupted him.

He had?

"How long have you been waiting?" Jimin demands to know, his voice sounding more hoarse and deep. "Let me call him..." he says as he goes for his phone in his pocket.

"That won't do; he's not answering." Yoongi says back. "Maybe he forgot then don't get so worked up."

"No, I don't think so." Jimin says as he types Jeongguk's phone number. "He might be in danger because of me. This is my fault, fuck! I shouldn't have told him! If anything happens to him, I swear!" Jimin lets out all at once.

Yoongi couldn't help, but wonder why Jeongguk would be in danger. And, most importantly, why because of Park Jimin? What did he have to do with anything?

"You're not a drug dealer, are you?" Yoongi asks, inspecting Park Jimin.

"You're not high, are you?" Park Jimin replies and his flaming stare gives Yoongi the feeling that he's getting stabbed. Please, tell me you're not stupid either. I am telling you we need to find Jeongguk."

"I-I... Well, he does have to go on a certain path to come here. You came by car I assume, so you must have gone the long way. We can go look there."

"I'm right behind you."



"Shit, I'm gonna be late." Jeongguk cusses..

He's left Yoongi waiting for at least ten minutes now. He starts pacing up. Yoongi really doesn't like it when he gets stood up. He had told Jeongguk before that he hates it when someone stand him up, because he'd waste time instead of making music or sleeping.

Jeongguk stops dead in his tracks when someone appears in front of him. It's Kim Namjoon, Jeongguk soon realizes. That punk had always bothered Jeongguk in high school.

Even though he was over it, Jeongguk felt the need to walk faster and avoid him. He started feeling nauseous. He knew what he felt was fear.

He started walking again and with every step he went a little faster.

"Jeon Jeongcock?" Kim Namjoon asks. "Woah, is that really you, hommie?"

Jeongguk doesn't reply when he hears Namjoon call him by the nickname he used on him back in high school.

"It's been a long time since you've talked to me, Guk. You never even assist me when I visit you at your fucking work place." Namjoon puts his arm around Jeongguk's shoulders and Jeongguk's feet are hardly holding him up.

"Why are you shaking?" Namjoon asks laughing. "Oh. You must be feeling uneasy. I'm sorry I shouldn't have touched you without your permission. No need to be scared of me, though, coward. I was just trying to be friendly." Namjoon says.

Jeongguk relaxes for a seconds. He was hoping that Namjoon's two bets frined wouldn't be with him, but suddenly he hears Hoseok's voice from behind him. "Yah, Joon! Did'ya piss already?" he shouts.

"Yah! Hoseok, come here. Bring Seokjin as well! You'll shit your pants when I tell you who I'm with!" Namjoon shouts back and Jeongguk can hear the other two's footsteps from behind him.

"Is that... Jeongguk?" Seokjin looks at Jeongguk closely.

"Man, he is!" Hoseok confirms. "Damn, we missed you so much, dude. You were our favorite toy, why'd you have to graduate?"


"Joon-ah, are you going to 'play' with him?" Seokjin asks his dongsaeng quite cowardly, as if he was afraid.

"Sure, why not?" Namjoon replies with a smirk plastered on his face. Seokjin swallows hard, which makes a sound that even Jeongguk, whose ears don't function any more, can hear.

"I-I really have to go. It was n-nice seeing you, b-but someone is waiting for me." Jeongguk stammers and tries to leave.

Hoseok stands in front of him and moves his index finger right and left and right and left. "Nah, nah, nah. We haven't seen you in so long. We can't let you go that fast. You still haven't paid your debt back."

Hoseok is even more intimidating than Namjoon. He looks like he's harmless, but when he threatens someone... He's a whole different person. "We have to make sure you don't tell anyone what you saw."

Before Jeongguk can say anything, he feels a sharp pain on his rib. He opens his eyes and sees Hoseok standing over him. Namjoon approaches and that's when Jeongguk feels another hit on his jaw.

Jeongguk's eyes water as he gets hit again and again by the two older guys. As expected Seokjin is standing still at the back.

Jeongguk can taste blood in his mouth. Tastes like silver. He's struggling to stay concious as the couple hit him repeatedly. And that's when he hears his voice.

"What the fuck are you doing there?"

At last.

i'm so so sorry that the namjinseok are the bad guys, but i have a reason...

he left his mark // btsWhere stories live. Discover now