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The three boys were standing a few meters away from Jimin. "Who the hell are you?" Namjoon pointed at him.

"My name is Park Jimin."

Who the hell does he think he is? he heard Namjoon's thoughts.

"I'm here to ask you something and make something else clear." Jimin admitted. When no one said anything he spoke again. "First things first, why did you do this to Jeongguk?"

I can't let him know about the incident. This time it was the middle height boy, Seokjin, Jimin figured.

"None, of your business." Hoseok spits. That boy saw everything, everything! the same person's voice echoes.

"There is not way you just like doing this, there must be some reason behind it." Jimin insists.

If I let him know that Jeongguk saw Namjoon and Hoseok kissing, I'll be the one in trouble, Seokjin thinks again and Jimin smirks. "Is that so?" he whispers to himself. "Okay, then if you don't tell me that's fine. I can just consider you to be bullies..."

Jimin turns around to leave, but someone's voice stops him. "What did you want to say?" Seokjin asks timidly.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot!" I just wanted to make clear that if anything like this happens again, Jeongguk won't be the one to end up in the hospital." Jimin says and waves the three boys goodbye.

Then he turns around and leaves. 


i'm so lame

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