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Jimin took a breath and shut his eyes. "Look, I'm not sure about this yet, but I think your friend might have something to do with this."

Jeongguk let out a single laugh. "Look," he imitated Jimin, "Taehyung has probably nothing to do with this. I swear if you joke about deities and stuff, too, I'll flip ou-"

"No, it's about the kiss." Jimin's cheeks turn rosey when he utters those words. Kiss. His thoughts drift to other words like jealous and lust.

Jeongguk goes back to that day. He lives his thought-to-be laast moments again. He can still feel Taehyung's arms around him and his soft lips on his. Along with those memories comes the feeling of familiarity, that of calmness.

His eyes close and he holds his head down low. At the exact moment he realises that that non-nauseous feeling he has, it's all just butterflies.

Jeongguk is not gay. At least, he's never felt like he was. He wa flattered to know Taehyung was attracted to him as a man, but Jeongguk didn't feel the same way.

But that feeling of happiness when he got kissed by Taehyung was obviously not friendship oriented. The goosebumps, he now remembers, he got back then were not entirely because he was in shock.

Was Jeongguk only now realising something?

"Jeongguk?" Jimin shook him by the shoulders.

Jeongguk's eyes open wide at the sudden touch. "What?" he asked, as if he heard nothing, as if he had forgotten what Jimin told him.

"About the kiss?" Jimin reminded him. "This is important, you have to tell me what happened." he calmly said.

Jeongguk replayed the scene a hundred times in his head before telling Jimin, who looked uncomfortable in his own seat.

"Listen. I think Taehyung is in danger." Jimin said and sighed. "Do you still have those nightmares?" he asked.

Jimin asked a lot of questions and Jeongguk was getting tired. He had only come here to listen, not talk. And his nightmares were the last thing Jeongguk wanted to talk about. "Yeah, I do." he said and looked away.

Thanks to Jimin he now thought about it more. His mind filled with pictures he didn't want to see. "What about them?"

"Taehyung kissed you. He did that right when you were supposed to die." Jimin started. "That means he took your date."

Jeongguk was confused. 'He took his date'?

"Taehyung saved you by kissing you. Even if it was unintentional, he did." Jimin now help Jeongguk by the shoulders and looked at him in the eyes with his own dark brown ones.

"Taehyung is going to die in your place."



Taehyung wokre up on the floor. The hard surface made his back ache, so he stood up, now in a sitting position.

Next to him, on the couch, slept a very messy haired Yoongi, who was also snoring a little.

Taehyung found it cute. His hyung let out small breaths and made adorable little noises through his nose.

Then he remembered about what happened before they both fell asleep. Images of Taehyung touching Yoongi where really wasn't supposed to came to his mind, as well as Yoongi's face when he reached his climax, an image that didn't match his current one.

"That feels so good..."

"Fuck, Taehyung!"

Taehyung felt a knot in his stomach. He looks at Yoongi and swallowed hard, making a loud gulp.

He actually liked the idea. He had never even had it, but now he felt like such a thing as 'Yoongi and I' was not a bad one.

He smile thinking about it. He smiled even more when he saw the clothes that had been thrown on the floor just a few hours before.

Taehyung got up and walked upstairs towards Yoongi's room.

He opened the drawers and took some boxers and clean clothes out. He headed to the bathroom, while taking off his clothed in the hallway, throwing them on the floor.

He entered the shower and soon hot water fell on his body. Taehyung let a breath out and enjoyed the warm feeling.

As he went for the shampoo, he noticed something weird.

His date was missing. Like, completely. It was nowhere to be seen.

Taehyung twisted around, trying to see if it had magically moved somewhere else or if it had actually gone entirely. But he didn't see it anymore. It was truly gone.


"What do you mean you have no date?" Yoongi asked, while playing with his pillow.

"I don't know, I just looked and it had disappeared, hyung!" Taehyung said.

"What is this? Some kind of trick? Is God playing games?" Yoongi scratched his head. "So you're immortal now, or what?"

"Maybe it's your fault! You bit me! Are you a vampire?" Taehyung asked the older boy suspiciously. He got to his knees and pretended to have a torch above Yoongi's head. "Spit it out, Buffy, I got you." he joked.

Yoongi grabbed him by his waist and layed him on the bed, now resting on top of him. "What if I am?" he smirked and bit Taehyung's neck.

The boy bellow Yoongi laughed loudly. "I'm ticklish, stop it!" he tried pushing Yoongi, but the older one didn't back away.

"Now, you're surely a vampire. What did you call me? Buffy? That's the vampire slayed, you pabo!" Yoongi started laughing. He fell on his stomach next to Taehyung, his hand on his mouth blocking his laugh. "This is why I love you; you're hilarious!" he said as he clapped his hands.

"What did you say?" Taehyung whispered and stopped moving.

"You're hilarious!"

"No. The other thing."

Yoongi stopped laughing as his expression became serious. He blushed and looked away. "I love you." he said. "I said I love you."


there you go.
you got semi-explanation of what's going on, fluff and i-love-you's...
hate me now.

*also thanks for 500 it really means a lot to me :') ❤️*

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