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"You there! Are you okay?" Jeongguk would recognize that voice anytime. He got up from his bed and unlocked the door.

His eyes met with Park Jimin's, who seemed to be worried. "I heard you scream, is everything alright? Did someone break in or something?"

"If someone had broken in, wouldn't you be able to at least see a broken window?" Jeongguk said his voice raspy. "I'm okay, you can go." he says as he starts to close the door.

"Jeon Jeongguk." Park Jimin calls his name. "Are you truly okay?"

"I told you I am fine. Go back to sleep. I'm sorry if I woke you up." And with that Jeongguk locks the door and sits on the floor. For a few minutes he doesn't realize he's crying again and, to be honest, he doesn't know why he's still crying. It was just a nightmare - well, a few nightmares - but he shouldn't cry,

Even though his eyes are closed he doesn't sleep again.


"So, when I saw him I run up to him and we both screamed 'infires, man!'! Remember that Jeongguk?" Taehyung laughs. "Yah, Jeongguk?"

Jeongguk stops daydreaming and looks at Taehyung. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You didn't hear what I said? I just told you, I went shopping yesterday and I saw Yoongi. I thought you'd be happy to know he's back from the military." Taehyung says all at once.

Sure, Jeongguk used to hang out a lot with Yoongi-hyung and Taehyung-hyung when he was younger. Yoongi was a few years older than him and Taehyung, but that didn't stop them from having fun when Jeongguk was in middle school. Yoongi had told him that he wanted to go serve as soon as possible after high school, so that he could persue his dreams after he came back, without any breaks.

As much as Jeongguk was happy that his hyung was back, he was feeling blue today. He was forced to go to work, because, this time, he was going to get fired for real if he didn't show up. Working at KFC had its perks, like the fact that once a month they would get a free chicken bucket. It also had a lot of disadvantages, such as the fact that he had to be of service to costumers like Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok and Kim Seokjin.

Those three were known for being bad influences back in high school. He'd heard they'd all failed the majority of their exams, which is why they ended up being in the same class as Jeongguk, despite being at least three to four years older than him.

All three of them thought they were so cool, but in reality there was nothing cool about them. Kim Namjoon was a mindless jerk, who only enjoyed making fun of those who were weaker that him, A.K.A less popular, A.K.A Jeongguk; Jung Hoseok, Jeongguk knew, was Namjoon's childhood friend who was no different from him; and Kim Seokjin was just another rich boy, who did whatever the other two did in order to 'fit in' and 'make friends'.

If Jeongguk didn't have Taehyung he wouldn't be able to go through high school, because of them. Now, he was the one who had graduated and they were the ones who still had to go there (not that they did).

Today, it seems they skipped class to come eat. Another colleague of Jeongguk's took their order after he requested it, so he didn't have to talk to them.

"He was shocked, of course, when I told him you are still alive. So, he said he'd like for us to hang out again sometime. He also told me about his music. He's really good and it seems like he'll soon be really successful. We should go visit him in his studio as well!" Taehyung suggested.

"Did he give you his number?" Jeongguk asked.

"Still the same, there was no need."

"Sure, then. We can call him and we can hang out."

After Taehyung had called Yoongi, Jeongguk asked him "What did he say?"

"He said he'd text me his adress, so we can go there now."

Just as Taehyung said that, a 'bling' sound came from his phone.

The two boys left the restaurant and started walking towards the direction where Yoongi's studio was.


A few minutes later they were there. When Yoongi saw them he happily hugged both of them.

"You've both grown a lot, since the last time I saw you. Especially you Jeongguk!"

"Don't belittle me!" Taehyung whined.

Jeongguk and Yoongi stared at Taehyung. "I didn't even know you knew that word." The older one said to him.

"Now you know I know and I knew you didn't know it."

"I'm not even going to bother to translate that." Yoongi sighs.

After a long talk about Yoongi's experience in the military, Taehyung's and then Jeongguk's graduation, Taehyung excused himself to go to the bathroom.

After he left, Yoongi turns to Jeongguk. "So, you're still alive. How'd that happen?"

"I wish I knew! But I'm happy that I get to live longer. I got to see you again!" Jeongguk says and he smiles.

"Don't be so excited." Yoongi says and looks the other way. "You know, there's a reason why we are given our dates. You should not be at ease right now, instead you should think about why you are still alive."

"I've given it a lot of thought, hyung. I got tired of thinking." Jeongguk says.

"So, you didn't find anything?" Yoongi looks at the door to see if Taehyung was coming. When he made sure no one was there he opened his mouth again.

"I have to tell you something."


guys, thanks for 100 reads, i can't thank you enough! it really means a lot to me 😄

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