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"Not today, hyung. I said I don't want to. I'm sorry, I know you'd made plans... We can go some other time." Those are the last words Taehyung hears Jeongguk say.

"Pabo. If only..." Sigh. "It's okay. If you feel better that way."

Taehyung knew he shouldn't have said it. The three words. One followed by the second, followed by the third. If he could change the past, he definitely would. All Jeongguk seemed busy about now was finding excuses in order to ignore Taehyung.

"What am I thinking?" Taehyung says, shaking his head.

Jeongguk had a lot on his mind and Taehyung knew. He shouldn't pressure Jeongguk to do things. He wondered if Jeongguk acted that way only towards him.

Taehyung picked his phone up again and dialed Yoongi's number. After a few rings his hyung answered. "Taehyung-ah! What's up?"

"Not much. I just wanted to know if you have anything on your schedule today." Taehyung replies.

"No, you're lucky. I'm free today, all day. Would you like to come by the studio? We can go grab some coffee if you want."


"Is Jeongguk coming as well?" Yoongi asks when Taehyung stays silent. That question only maked him stay silent for longer.

"He said he wanted to stay home." Taehyung says finally.

"I see... Well, I guess I'll see you soon. I'll wait."


"Espresso for me." says Taehyung to the waitress as he hands her the menu back.

"So, how's Jeongguk? You sounded a little sad when I mentioned him. Did you guys fight?" Yoongi asks.

"No. He just needed some time alone."

"That's okay. I didn't want to third wheel anyway." Yoongi blurts out and makes Taehyung choke on water. "Easy tiger, save that for the bedroom." That makes Taehyung choke even more and he starts caughing.

Yoongi pats Taehyung on his back. "That was too much, huh? My apologies." Yoongi says and Taehyung glares at him.

"I don't want to know what's on your mind, hyung."

"I'm sorry, but I spent two years in the military. My only escape was either writing lyrics or making this kind of jokes with my comrades."

Taehyung averts his eyes from Yoongi and looks behind him. He can't believe what he sees. Doesn't want to believe.

Jeongguk is sitting right four tables away. And he's not alone. Right across from him is Park Jimin.

Taehyung's cheeks flare up. He feels betrayed and angry and disappointed. Yoongi quickly notices and turns around to see what got Taehyung that flustered. And when he does he gets up and goes around the table next to him. "Come on, let's get out of here." he says to Taehyung, who slowly gets up as well.


Yoongi is driving and Taehyung has finally stopped crying.

How could he do this to him? Lie. He could've said he wanted to go out with Park Jimin. Not that Taehyung wouldn't be annoyed, but at least he wouldn't have been lied to.

Taehyung really felt that he was slowly losing his friend. His friend whom he's known his whole life. His friend whom he didn't see as a friend. And he was losing his Jeongguk to a stranger! Someone whom they'd known for less than three days.

"Do you think he got sick of me?" Taehyung asks Yoongi.

"Why would you say that? He must not have told you, because he knew you'd be like this."

They get off the car and go inside the studio. Taehyung stands against the wall and Yoongi sits across from him on the couch. "I feel so bad right now." Taehyung admits.

"You don't have to. Jeongguk is still your friend. This only happened once. He'll go out with you another time."

"But he told me he wanted to stay alone. He lied." Taehyung says and sniffs.

Yoongi gets up and rushes towards Taehyung. He fiercely hits his hands on the wall, each hand on either side of Taehyung's head. He comes really close to Taehyung to the point where their faces are only a few centimeters away.

"Quit being so attached to Jeongguk. Yes. He did lie, but there's no reason for you to act like this. You are no longer a teenager who should be whining about his first love. Man up and stop crying. You should not solely depend on Jeongguk to be fulfilled. I'm here for you too, you know. He just avoided telling you the truth for once. It's not like he's abandoning his best friend. What if I cried like this every time you and he hung out without me?"

Taehyung knew Yoongi was right. He was too attached to Jeongguk. Yoongi had been aware of Taehyung's feelings even before he left for the military.

Taehyung is too shocked by the fact that Yoongi is only a breath's distance away from him to reply at first. When he manages to say something, he doesn't expect his voice to sound so broken. "At least neither Jeongguk nor I are strangers to you."

Yoongi scoffs. "Huh? You think that's important? Jeongguk needs to breathe a little and so do you. If you're every minute with him you'll grow dependant and then it'll be alot harder for you, not me or him."

Taehyung straightens up and Yoongi finally takes his hands off the wall and moves a few steps away. "I think I should go now." Taehyung says hesitantly.

"You're welcome to stay whenever you want." Yoongi informs him as he lies on the sofa. "If you want to leave, then go. If you want to stay, be my guest. But don't wait for that one prince for too long. He might not have been able to kill the dragon." He says, eyes closed.

After that Taehyung gets out, slams the door and goes home. He stares at the ceiling, his sole company are his thoughts. After a while he falls asleep.


is it me or does taetae cry a lot in this story?

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