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"I gotta get you out of the house, though." Taehyung tried to convince Jeongguk to go somewhere, anywhere. "Aren't I supposed to be a good hyung?"

Jeongguk's not feeling well today. He understands Taehyung had good intentions, but right now he wishes he let him be. "Not today, hyung. I said I don't want to. I'm sorry I know you'd made plans..." Sigh. "We can go some other time."

Jeongguk pressed the 'end call' button and gets off his bed. He's still in his pajamas, hair messy as if a tornado went through them. He doesn't care about his appearance, though. At least he's brushed his teeth and taken a shower.

Having that in mind, he exits his room, turns left and knocks the door to Jimin's room.

When Jimin doesn't answer, he knocks again. He gets no reply, so he goes downstairs.

"Jimin! Yah, I have no plans today, can we discuss, you know, the thing?" he shouts, but still gets no reply.

Jeongguk rushes back to Jimin's bedroom and quickly opens the door, relieved that it is unlocked. "Jimin!" he screams as he enters, but no one's in the room either.

Joengguk didn't know why he had gotten worried. Jimin was probably working again. Plus, even though he sympathized Jimin, he still didn't like him.

He was worried about something happening to jimin, because he didn't have a date either and because he was the tenant of the room. Because he'd struggle to find another person who'd pay for it.

Suddenly, he notices some papers on Jimin's desk. Are those for his job? he wonders. What job is he doing anyway?

He moves closer and picks the papers up. He starts reading.

"Enlisted and to be enlist-"

"What are you doing?"

Jeongguk almost jumps. He turns around to see a furious Park Jimin, who immediately walks up to him and grabs the papers from Jeongguk's hands. "Who allowed you to read that? And what are you doing in my room in the first place?"

"I-I..." Jeongguk is shocked at how Jimin's personality changed so drastically just because he'd touched his papers, hardly read what was written on them.

"What did you read?" Jimin demands to know.

"No-nothing! I swear! I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be so mad about this!" Jeongguk says, feeling almost intimidated by the look on Jimin's face.

But right after Jeongguk stops talking, Jimin's face relaxes and goes back to peaceful. Jimin exhales. "I should be the one apologizing, I'm sorry for shouting at you. It's just that this is... uh... confidential. I can't let anyone read this."

So what? Is he some military officer or something? Jeongguk feels that it would have been better if Jimin had told him not to read that, rather than go full on drunk-Taehyung-crazy on him.

Jeongguk remembered about Taehyung. How he'd stood him up again and how he felt like he had left him alone too much during the past week.

"But why are you here anyway?" Jimin's voice brings Jeongguk back to reality.

"I wonder if you'd found anything about the situation. It seems like you haven't. I'm sorry to have bothered you." Jeongguk says and makes his way towards the door.

"Wait!" Jimin grabs Jeongguk by his elbow. "It's true that I don't have any news, but how about we go out for a drink? Or food. Whatever you like."

I just declined Taehyung's offer.

"I need some air and space from work and you could use some clean oxygen as well. You don't have to talk to me if you don't feel like it. I just... don't have anyone to go with. Please?" Jimin pleads and Jeongguk can only think about how smooth and deep (surprisingly) Jimin's voice sounds.

He swallows hard. "Sure, let me leave a note to my mom. Then we can leave."

"Are you comng dressed like that?"

Jeongguk looks down and Jimin snorts. He snorts. It is true that pajamas are not to be worn outside, but Jimin could at least not laugh about it. How rude.


i know that was shorter, but hey next chapter will be longer ;)

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