Epilogue ♡

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Two years later

"Taehyung, get the hell back here!" Yoongi shouted. "The movie will start soon!"

Taehyung laughed at Yoongi's excitement.

Yoongi had come back from training about a year ago. He was not chosen by the company, because of his 'sexual orientation'. But that didn't matter since he had managed to build his own record company, his job already making him more money than that ignorant agency offered him.

Taehyung decided to enter college. He got accepted in Seoul's university, so he didn't have to move or leave Yoongi. They'd promised they would stay together forever, not letting anything such as work or studying get between them.

After Jeongguk's passing, Taehyung's date returned to it's place. It was the same as before, only this time he felt grateful he hasd it back. Because it was his gift from Jeongguk, one of the most precious of his possessions.

As for Jimin, they seldom saw him, since he was really busy after having been promoted. They were now aware of his real 'occupation', but neither of them minded. Of course, they were both shocked at first, but they luckily got use to the idea of Jimin being a collector.

Taehyung asked him what it felt like, to be responsible for making Jeongguk forget, whe he first heard him talk about it.

"Tell Taehyung to take care of himself. Same goes for Yoongi hyung. Tell them to take care of each other. You, too. Don't sleep too little and eat healthy and yummy food. Don't feel bad for me. I saved Taehyung and I'm so happy I did. Tell him not to blame himself and to live a long happy life. I hope Yoongi succeeds and I hope you'll all be okay." Jimin remembered Jeongguk's last words before he made him forget, thus helping him to move on to his next life.

"Until we meet again, Jeon Jeongguk." Jimin had told him and had received a smile as a response.

Yoongi and Taehyung were now sitting on their bed, cuddling with suspense to see what would happen next in the movie's story. Jimin, who for once had time to join them, exited the bathroom and went in the room, sitting far away to give those two fanboys space for each other.

They were happy. And, just like Jeongguk hoped, they remained happy for the rest of their lives.

~The End~ 

I know it ended quite weirdly, I suck at endings.
Would you guys want a sequel? I have a few ideas but idk yet...

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