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-lmao light smut ahead-


Yoongi quickly opened the door and threw his keys on the kitchen counter.

Taehyung forced the door shut, which ma a loud noise. Yoongi turned around and his eyes met with Taehyung's. The younger boy's pupila greww bigger than before, as his gaze met with Taehyung's lower region.

"Get down." Taehyung instructed his hyung, who slowly sat down on the coouch inside the living room.

Taehyung moved closer, now getting on top of his hyung, his hand lightly brushing on top of his apparent erection.

Yoongi threw his head back and let out a light moan at the sudden touch. "T-Taehyung..."

"Hush." Taehyung said before he started sucking, making sure he left a visible mark, simultaneously stroking Yoongi's crotch.

Yoongi obeyed. He never thought he'd be that submissive, not once in his life, but apparently Taehyung brought another side of him to light. He didn't mind, though.

Taehyung started moving towards Yoongi's lower parts. He removed Yoongi's well structured body. He grew impatiend himself, unbuckled Yoongi's belt and unzipped his pants.

After Yoongi's boxers were removed as well, Taehyung took a moment to capture the sight of Yoongi's lenght. "Damn..." he cussed and looked at Yoongi.

"T-Taehyung w-what are you doing?" Yoongi asked when he saw the younger boy move close to his attention seeking dick.

"What does it look llike I'm doing?" he said as he took all of Yoongi's length in his mouth.

Yoongi let out a single moan and cussed. "Fuck, Taehyung!"

The other boy made sure he please his hyung. His head rocked back and forth with his tongue at the same time.

He stopped for a moment and kissed the top of Yoongi's cock. "Don't tease me..." Yoongi warned. Taehyung smiled devilishly and went back to what he was doing.

"That feels so good..." Yoongi said and grabbed Taehyung's messy hair with one hand, the other squeezing the couch's leather surface. "I'm close..." he admitted and a few seconds later, after Taehyung moaned, sending vibrations down Yoongi's dick, the latter released himself in Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung swallowed and removed his now swollen lips from Yoongi's still throbbing dick.

He gently brushed the top of it cleaning it from any white substance that was left on it and proceeded to lick his hands.

"Told you I'd take care of it." he grinned.



"What do you mean?! Did you find something?" Jeongguk says really loudly.

"I can't tell ou through the phone. Look I'm expecting a call, so I need you to come here and I'll let you know." Jimin says.

"Okay. Are you at home?" Jeongguk asks. "Wait for me, I'll be there."



Jimin opened his folder and took and look at the names that were given to him by his supperiors. His heart was pounding and sweat droplets were forming on his forahead.

When his phone started vibrating he took a look at the caller's ID. When he recognised the name he quickly answered. "Hello?"

"Jimin... This is Jong Minah." the female's voice sounded weird, different from what Jimin had ever heard it before.

"Minah!" Jimin echoed her name. "Did you find anything?" Jimin asked.

He had met with Minah again after years of not seeing each other, when he visited Jeongguk at the hospital. She was the first collector he had heard of that had an actual job.

Since they had once been partners, Jimin shared his thoughts on Jeongguk's case with her.

"You're sure he's not a lost soul case?" she said.

"Yeah, he wouldn't be ab;e to come in touch with anyone that fast.." Jimin replied. "Plus, he hasn't been on any lists."

"So, what can have happened?" Minah questioned and rubbed the back of her neck.

"I don't know. I'm looking into it, but there's just nothing that explains it!" Jimin let his anger out on a siringe.

"Be careful with that. We don't want you to get blood on it." Minah said.

"I don't get hurt that easily." Jimin said. "Anyway, can you help me find out what happened to Jeongguk? He doesn't seem to have a date anymore."

Minah sighed. "Look, I have some connection with a few supperiors. I can get them to tell me something." Minah patter Jimin on his back.

Minah hesitated. "It definitely has happened before, I just don'y know if it's the same for Jeongguk."

Jimin couldn't wait now. He was sweating. Once again he didn't know why, but his heart beat really fast whenever he thought of Jeongguk.

He squinted when he heard Minah's explanation.

"Can that happen?" he asked.

"It's a one in a million chance, but it's probable. I told you it has happened before." she answered.

After he got his answer, he ended the call without saying another word.



Jeongguk entered the house. He rushed up the stairs and went into Jimin's room with a smile on his face. "So what did yo-"

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" Jimin asked, after a few seconds.

What the hell? Jeongguk thought. "Haven't you?" he said. "Yes, I have."

"Well, recently...?"

Jeongguk thought about June 15th. At least it feels warm.

"Yes." he said confidently. "Taehyung kissed me, actually."

Jimin's cheeks turned rosey, but at the same time he thought about what Minah had told him. "What is Taehyung to you?" he asked.

Jeongguk felt like he was being interrogated. "He's my best friend, what do you mean?"

"How well do you know Taehyung? Are you two boyfriends?" Jimin let his jealousy win over him.

Jeongguk blushed. "No, nothing like that. He has known me since birth. We're childhood friends."

Jimin sighed. This was going to more painful to Jeongguk than he had expected.

"Jeongguk, I need to tell you something." 


tell me if i suck at writing smut 😂 also, i don't even know wtf that was but.. 😇 it was my first try and i'm trying to get better so yeah ;-;

i'll post the next two chapters today and the others tomorrow 😄

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