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"I'm fine." Jeongguk said after Jimin brought him some water to drink.

"You don't look fine." Jimin points out. "Do you want me to go now?"

Jeongguk doesn't know. He's scared. He fears that if he sleeps again he'll see Taehyung get hurt again.

So, no. He didn't want Jimin to go. "Please. Stay a little longer." Jeongguk begs him. "If you're not tired."

"Okay, then I'll stay." Jimin says and, as Jeongguk lies on his bed, he sits on the floor with his back against it. "Do you want to tell me what you saw this time?"

Jeongguk starts describing his nightmare to Jimin. He talks and talks, until he realizes that Jimin has fallen asleep.

He looks so peaceful.

His blond hair has fallen over his eyes and his lips are slightly open. The only sound he makes is breathing. Jeongguk had the urge to stroke his head. He extends his hands towards Jimin's direction...

But then he notices that there's a paper that sticks out of Jimin's pocket. He must have been working. Maybe that's why he heard him and immediately came.

Jeongguk tries to resist the temptation to take the paper, but his curiosity takes over his body and he fails. He unfolds the paper only to see the same thing he'd read before.

"Enlisted and to be enlisted." he reads. "'Day three hundred thousand twenty eight'? What the hell is this?" As he reads on, it gets more shocking for Jeongguk.

"'The daily collection of souls for day three hundred thousand twenty seven has been completed. The council had made the list of day three hundred thousand twenty eight available for all collectors.

"Collector: Jimin, Park

"Number of enlisted assigned: thirty four

"Please follow orders. No soul must be left behind. Follow the protocol as instructed." Bellow this texts was a long list with exactly... thirty two... three... thirty four names.

Jeongguk folds the paper again, trying not to make any noise. He doesn't understand what that paper said. Nor what its use was.

He slowly moves closer to Jimin and puts the paper back in his pocket. When he starts to go back, Jimin grabs him by the wrist.

"I think I told you..." he starts, eyes closed. "not to read that."

Jeongguk swallows with difficulty. "What was that?" Jimin is holding onto Jeongguk's hand, but that's not what Jeongguk cares about.

Jimin is now looking at him in the eye. Jeongguk feels intimidated yet once again. The Jimin that made him feel at ease only a few minutes ago was nowhere to be found.

"Didn't you read it yourself? Do you need further explanation?" Jimin scoffs. "Okay, then."

Jeongguk wanted to know. He needed to know. Jimin's piercing stare made Jeongguk feel uneasy now, but for some reason he had a weird feeliing in his stomach. It was not nausea. If that were the case he'd already be at the bathroom by now. "I did tell you that you shouldn't have seen that. If someone hears that you know or that I've told you, both you and I may be punished."

Jeongguk's mouth is dry. Before he can process what Jimin had said, he speaks. "Quit delaying this and tell me already."

What did Jimin say? He'd be punished? By whom? Why?

"Don't be so eager to find out." Sigh. Jimin finally opened his mouth. "I'm a collector... A soul collector. Also known as a reaper. When someone dies, I make sure they die properly." Jimin says all at once.

Jeongguk starts laughing. He starts laughing too much. His laughter fills the whole room and he's pretty sure he can be heard even downstairs. "A reaper! That's the third worst joke thing I've heard this week!"

Unlike Jeongguk's, Jimin's face shows no emotion, but disbelief. "Who said this was a joke? I'm not laughing." Jimin says and Jeongguk stops.

"You're... Are you serious?" Jeongguk whisper-shouts. Realisation hits him and he backs away from Jimin. "You're here for me right? Because I didn't die. And you are being friendly and all that just to be close to me so you can kill me easily! And you pretended... oh my God!"

Jimin gets up to get closer to Jeongguk. "No, it's not like-"

"Get the fuck away from me!" Jeongguk shouts and puts a protective hand in front of him to stop Jimin from coming any closer. "Why did this happen to me anyway, if I was supposed to be taken by you? No..." Jeongguk's tears motivate Jimin to not stop moving.

"I said get away from me!" Jeongguk repeats, but he is not strong enough to push Jimin away. That's it, he thinks.

That's when Jimin's arms get wrapped around him. Jeongguk stops crying. He also stops breathing. "I'd never hurt you." Jimin reassures him. "You're my landlord. Plus, if I wanted you dead, you'd already be."

Jeongguk's got that feeling again, the 'not-nausea' one. He starts pushing Jimin away again, but Jimin just seems to be stronger.

"Don't fight it. I'm not going to hurt you."

Why is Jimin's voice so calming? Why does Jeongguk's heart beat so fast? He's not scared anymore; he hasn't run any marathons; and he doesn't feel angry, either. Nor has he done any push-ups.

They stay like this until Jeongguk's eyes close and he falls asleep.

For the rest of the night he had no nightmares.


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