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Sand. There's sand everywhere. Jeongguk can hardly see, because of the fog.

A scream breaks the silence.

Jeongguk recognizes that voice. It's the voice that makes him feel warm, makes him feel he's not alone. The voice that sang to him when he was sick or moody. The voice that now was crying out his name.


The voice didn't come from far away. He was close, he still had time to save him.

"Taehyung!" he screams back.

Only this time there is no reply. No voice. Not a single breathing sound. No Taehyung.

Because Taehyung is not breathing. And Jeongguk is alone. Sand all around him, as the fog hugs him.


There's a knock on the door again. Jeongguk was already woken up. He feels the droplets of sweat running down his forehead and, generally, all over his body. He doesn't realise he's shaking. He's crying as well.

"Answer me!" he hears Jimin shout from outside the door. He'd been hearing him shout for the past ten minutes, but he couldn't even move. His body had gone numb and his mind blank.

Jimin stops knocking on the door. Jeongguk feels sad that he left, because now he'd be alone.

To his surprise, he hears the sound of someone hitting the foor and after three hits the door breaks open and Jimin rushes to Jeongguk. "God, you're trembling! What happened to you?" Jimin says as he examines to see if Jeongguk is hurt.

Jeongguk stays silent. Staring at nothing. Before he can say anything, his tears start to run faster down his rose cheeks.

He feels a set of arms surround him and after a few seconds he stops making any sounds. His breathing had gone back to normal and his heart, despite having skipped a beat, goes back to beating properly.

Jimin's arms are welcoming, he thinks to himself.

Is this what it feels like to be at peace?


i'm so dramatic

i'll updload tonight ^ω^

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