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"He still hasn't called?" Yoongi asks.

"Not even once." Taehyung replies.

"It's been more than a week, what is he doing?"

Taehyung wishes he knew. Where was Jeongguk? Why hadn't he texted or called back? Was he sick? Taehyung could sing to him if he was sick.

"Are you still there?" Yoongi sounds worried.

"Hyung." Taehyung lets Yoongi know he's still on the phone with him. "I don't want to be alone anymore." he admits. "I feel so empty right now. Why does it hurt so much?"

Taehyung breathes heavily. He slides down the building's wall.

"Taehyung, where are you?" Yoongi demands to know. "Tell me now and I'll come to you. Don't turn your phone if you don't want to."

"I'm at work."

"I'm coming there! Wait for me!"

Taehyung looks at his arm, at his date. 2080.08.26, 1:04pm. What did it matter? What would his life be like for sixty three more years? What was the point of living so long? He'd lost Jeongguk, that he knew. He'd lost him the moment he confessed.

Yoongi had his date as well, but Taehyung's was after his... Everyone's date was before Taehyung's. In the end, he would be left all alone.


"I said I'm coming, I'm only two blocks away!" Yoongi says.

Like he'd said, Yoongi arrived there a few seconds later. Taehyung was sitting on the ground. Yoongi rushes to him and holds him tight in his hands. "You're not alone." he says immediately. "You have me, you'll never be alone."



Yoongi brought Taehyung to his house, he'd let him stay the night. He had fallen asleep in the car, so Yoongi had to carry him.

He was so light. Yoongi's mind was full of thoughts. Has he not been eating well? He should take more care of himself. Damn you, Jeongguk, how can you be so ignorant?

He placed Taehyung on his bed and took out his sleeping bag. After he cleaned himself and brushed his teeth, he went to his bedroom.

Yoongi couldn't sleep. He kept staring at the ceiling, then at Taehyung. Then at the ceiling and again at Taehyung.



Taehyung woke up to the smell of pancakes. "I want" he blurts out half asleep.

He drags his feet to the kitchen and catches Yoongi cooking. "Hyung! You made these?!" he asks excitedly.

He's such a kid. How's this the same person as yesterday?

"Meoggo!" Yoongi orders and Taehyung sits and grabs a pancake. "You need to eat and be well nurished."

"Thanks, hyung."

Yoongi observes Taehyung as he eats. He can see it clearly now. How his wrists are thinner, how his face seems smaller.

What has that boy ever done to you, Taehyung?

"Do you want to do something today?" he asks after Taehyung is done with eating.

"I'll go home. I don't want to bother you. I'm sure you have a packed schedule."

"It's okay. I'm self-employed, I can cancel." Yoongi says. He didn't mind; Taehyung needed him more than his studio did. And he needed Taehyung more than he needed his studio. 

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