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Jeongguk knows where he's seen this man before. He was short, with blond hair and brown eyes that could almost not be seen when he smiled.

"Is this the Jeon residence?" he asks. Jeongguk even recognizes his voice. It was soft and kind of pitchy, but smooth pitchy.

"Uhm... yeah." Jeongguk starts.

"That's great! I'm Park Jimin. The room's tenant." He says and extends his hand towards Jeongguk, who is stuck in his place.

It's just a coincidence.

"Oh, I see you don't like to be touched. Hi, then!" Park Jimin says as he starts waving his hand.

All kinds of thoughts are going through Jeongguk's mind. He thinks of how stressed he felt that day when he bumped onto this person. He remembers how afraid he was about what afterlife would be like.

"Hmm, I see... Not talkative either." Park Jimin points behind him. "I've got my stuff in my car. It's quite a load so can you help me take them inside?"

Jeongguk looks behind Park Jimin and sees a big black car, a beautiful BMW. Jeongguk could only dream having a car like that. When his gaze travels back to the man standing before him, he remembers what his mother told him. "Weren't you supposed to come tomorrow?" is what comes out of his mouth first.

Park Jimin seems to be taken aback. "Wow, you really do know how to make people feel welcome." He sighs. "Whatever. My room at the hotel I was staying in had a rat, so instead of paying for another room, I decided to come a littler earlier."

Jeongguk lifts his left eyebrow. You could've at least called, Jeongguk thought to himself and as if Park Jimin had heard him, he said "I did call your mother, but she didn't answer. I didn't want to pay for another room, so-"

"Yeah, okay. You already told me. Look, my mom is inside. She can help you. I really have to go." Jeongguk says fast, making his way outside.

Park Jimin stops him from going outside. "Have I seen you before? Oh.. oh! I made you fall the other day, didn't I?"

"Uh? Ah, yeah." Jeongguk replies.

"Woah! Seems like fate, right?" Park Jimin says, his face full of excitement. "I don't know if it's good fate for me, but you're one lucky guy." He pressed a finger on Jeongguk's chest.

He's so full of himself.

"Is what you have to do that important that you'll make your mom carry my stuff without any help?" Park Jimin asks. "That's kind of rude, don't you think?"

"Uh, you can help her." Jeongguk usually helps him mother with any difficulty she has and right now he'd gladly do it, if he didn't have to meet with Taehyung. "Now, if you'll excuse me..." He says as he gently pushes Park Jimin aside.

"Jeongguk!" Taehyung shouts from fifty meters away.

"Jeongguk?" Park Jimin whispers, but loudly enough for Jeongguk to hear.

"I missed you, man!" Taehyung says and hugs Jeongguk. The latter hugs back, since he can tell that was definitely a bro hug. "Don't ever do anything like that again! I thought you were mad at me..." Taehyung pouts.

"No, no, no. No. I'm completely fine. Let's go now."

"Hey, who's your friend?" Taehyung asks pointing at the blond male standing in front of Jeongguk's door.

"Oh, that's Park Jimin." Jeongguk says quietly. "He's the new tenant."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Taehyung, Jeongguk's friend." says Taehyung and extends a hand to Park Jimin.

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