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((can we appreciate the fact that whatever taehyung is holding says "bang" on it?))


"Say that again." he ordered.

"I love you." Yoongi repeated for the hundredth time already. "I love you, I love you, I love you!"

Taehyung smiled. A lot. He thought he looked dumb, but he didn't care. For once in his life someone had admitted to loving him and that someone just so happened to be the boy he was starting to have feelings for.

Everytime he met Yoongi that past week, every thought he'd have about Jeongguk disappeared. Every single feeling he used to have about Jeongguk was now rapidly converting into feelings for Yoongi.

He wasn'y ready to say it yet. He knew he'd soon be able to, but he had to wait a little longer. "I like you, too, hyung."

Yoongi's facial expression changed a little, but he understood. Taehyung didn't even need to say a word for Yoongi to realise that he had just let go of Jeongguk.

Yoongi put his hand on Taehyung's neck and pulled him close.

Their kiss was passionate, their lips moving in sync as they brushed against each other. Taehyung lightly bit Yoongi's lower lip, before he went back to kissing him.

This time it was more forceful, more lustful. Yoongi layed on top of Taehyung now, his legs on either side of him. "Tae..." he said, out of breath. "If I go on now, I won't be able to stop."

Taehyung pulled him close by tucking his hair. His breath brushed the older's ear. "Then go on." he whispered and Yoongi felt chills run down to his already rising dick, feeling aroused by Taehyung's deep voice.

Yoongi sucked on Taehyung's neck for quite some time. Taehyung grinned thinking that this would leave a visible hickey. The younger boy lifted his leg, now creating friction between it and Yoongi's crotch.

Yoongi moaned, next to Taehyung's ear. Taehyung thought it was the best sound he'd heard come from his hyung. The fact that he was the reason behind it made him want to hear Yoongi moan his name again and again and again.

Yoongi removed his shirt and revealed his upper body to Taehyung, who run his fingers up his hyung's torso. "Fuck." he said and Yoongi removed his shirt as well.

The two boys stared at each other in awe for a few seconds. Yoongi run a hand throught his raven black hair, before his lips met Taehyung's again. "You turn me on so much." he said as he started to make his way down Taehyung's body, kissing as many parts of it as he could.

When he reached his pants he undid them and pulled them down, as well as Taehyung's boxers. He repeated the same action with his own and now nothing was left to the other's imagination.

Yoongi opened the drawer on his left and took out some lube. "You're checked, right?" he asked and went on, not bothering to use a condom after they established that both were free of any STD. He applied some on himself. "I'll put some on you, as well." he told Taehyung, who silenly nodded.

Yoongi did as he had said and brought their chests together. "Tell me if it hurts." he said and gently pushed against Taehyung's entrance. "God, you're tight." Yoongi said as he slipped inside him.

He stayed like that for a few seconds, so that Taehyung could get used to the sensation. He slowly rocked his body inside the younger, trying to make it less painful and as comfortable as he could.

Taehyung's nails dug into Yoongi's back, leaving white line marks on the latter's clear back surface. "H-hyung..." Taehyung moaned as Yoongi started going faster little by little.

Yoongi's length slammed against his prostate causing a blissful reaction from Taehyung's body. "I-I'm clo-se..." he gasped seconds before he came all over Yoongi's abdomen.

Soon after, the older boy released himself inside Taehyung.

Yoongi laid down next to Taehyung, as they both tried to catch their breath.

"I so fucking love you." Yoongi said.

But Taehyung had already fallen asleep.


idk i was bored

plus guys, this ends today how you feelin about that <(¯︶¯)>

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