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Taehyung picked his phone up when it rang. He was surprised to hear Yoongi cry. His hyung rarely cried.

"Taehyung-ah..." he started.

"Hyung! Is everything okay? What happened?!" he shouted through the phone.

"Everything is alright, I just wanted to tell someone and I instinctively pressed your number, I..." There was a moment of silence. Taehyung gave some time to his hyung to sniff and take one last breath before talking again. "I got a call." he finally said.

Taehyung had no idea what Yoongi was talking about. "What kind of call" he asked.

Yoongi chuckled. "The call." he vaguely answered. "I finally got a contract call from an agency." he said and Taehyung could imagine his hyung smiling.

An agency?! That meant...

"Hyung, congratulations!" Taehyung shrieked. "See? I told you you'd become successful!" Taehyung was almost in tears.

"Yeah, but the thing is..." Yoongi started and Taehyung paused jumping up and down. "...They said I have to go train for some time."

Yoongi had to go?

"But we can still see each other, right? I mean, you'll still be in Seoul."

Yoongi sighed. "I will. However, they said that the schedule will be too tight and I probably won't have time to see my friends. I will be too lucky if I ever have some time." Yoongi explained.

I don't care if it's only once, but I have to be able to see you, Taehyung said, but Yoongi didn't hear him.

Yoongi laughed. "Isn't it ironic? I went to the military just to be done with it and have more time for you... and Jeongguk." Taehyung now realised why Yoongi was upset. "Shit, even when I get my chance I have to give up on something else. Again."

Taehyung wanted to comfort Yoongi, but he was angry at their luck.

"I know I'm letting you guys down again. If you want me to stay, then I-"

"No, don't!" Taehyung interrupted. "If you don't go I'll hate myself for holding you back. Go and make us proud." Taehyung encouraged Yoongi. "Even if we don't get to see each other for some time, we can still facetime or at least call! Or even text! I will make sure we don't lose touch."

Yoongi smiled. "Thank you." he said. "You're the best at making me feel nice." Yoongi admits.

"Where are you now?" Taehyung asks.

"I was getting ready to go grab some ice cream, but the I saw the e-mail and called you..." Yoongi replies.

"Let's go get ice cream together. Let's not waste any more quality time."

"Will you tell Jeongguk?" Yoongi asks.

"Can I?" Taehyung asks for permission. "Okay, then. See you there!" he says when Yoongi agrees and hangs up.


After he'd called Jeongguk, Taehyung was on his way to the younger boy's house. He'd agreed to bring Jeongguk, since the ice cream café was only one block away from Yoongi's appartment.

He passed before a lot of stores and rastaurants, when went through the main road.

As he was strolling through the different stores, something caught his eye. A silver chain was being displayed in one of the shops' windows.

It was simple. Just a circular bracelet made out of metal. It was food for thought for Taehyung. Why would anyone buy a silver chain?

"Can I help you, son?" an old lady came out of the store. "Ah!" she exclaimed. "You're looking at the infinity chain..." she smiled.

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