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His hands were tied together, his feet as well. He didn't know where he was.

The room was painted black. So black, that Jeongguk barely could see the ends of the walls.

Before him kneeled Taehyung. His puppy eyes were begging for help and so was his voice.

"I heard you. I can't move!" Jeongguk screamed, but no sound came from him.

"Help me..." Taehyung said and everything went black.


Jeongguk woke up panting again. It was another nightmare, he reminded himself.

Only, now, he interpreted his nightmares differently. "Taehyung..." he stood up.

He'd called a couple of hours before and Taehyung had told him he had spent all afternoon with Yoongi. He told him the same thing this time; he was still with him.

Jeongguk felt his muscles relax. Jimin was joking. It was just a sick joke.

Nothing was actually going on, right? The nightmares were just a game his unconscious was playing.

"What do you mean Taehyung is going to die in my place?" Jeongguk was getting angry.

"It's all because of that kiss." Jimin started explaining. "He kissed you right when you were supposed to die. It has happened before. I didn't know until recently, since it's very rare. Basically each human has the capability of sucrificing themselves once for saving a person they love. Just like a devil's deal, you seel that with a kiss the moment the other person is supposed to die." Jimin blurted all at once. "Taehyung did that - unintentionally - so now he'll die in your place."

Jeongguk thought about Jimin's words again and again.

What had he done to Taehyung? It was all his fault. Because of him Taehyung was in dangeer.

He was sick now. Sick of this way of living.

Why would any God let them know when they'd die? Who was sadistic enough to do such a thing?

"You cannot have just been lucky." he remembered Taehyung's words.

Was this luck?



He had finally found out what had happened. Now they didn't need to wonder anymore.

Jimin was anxious. He knew Taehyung's death was not something that Jeongguk would be ready for. Neither would Taehyung actually...

Jimin just avoided sharing that small detail with Jeongguk. He was too selfish to let him now that he could correct things, that he could make things normal for Taehyung.

All he basically had to do was to not let Taehyung take his place and be the one who actually dies.

But Jimin did not want that. He wanted Jeongguk is his life, even as a friend.

He couldn't let go of Jeongguk. 

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