I'm Not That Cruel *Showki Pt.1

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(Part One)

For, Kihyun, being in a small, confine, cubicle was something he did not look forward to everyday. Especially when boss drives him nuts and angry at the same time.

His head was rested on the desk, his cheek pressing upon a wrinkled notepad. He kep shuttering his eyes close but he couldn't let them. The last time he slept, his boss took money out of his paycheck for letting his eyes rest for five minutes. Yawning, he brings his tired, and sore body to stay seated erect on the chair and drag his hands to the keyboard where he's supposed to be typing.

Typing. He hates typing. Bringing papers, doing errands for his boss, answering phone calls. He doesn't even know why he got this job in the first place.

At the time, he loved it because it meant that he was working towards being an a secretary but now he doesn't know if he wants to be that. His boss makes it impossible to love this place. He's pretty sure that out of all the office assistants, he's the only one that works more than he should.

Kihyun yawns, blinking the water out of his eyes. After blinking a couple of times, he shakes his head and with his finger on the button of the mouse, he taps on the excel app on the computer screen. The columns and rows of the date he is typing shows up.

He sighs. He wasn't done inputting the data even though it was due today. He can feel his eyes wanting to close again so he makes his eyes concentrate even more. He drags his mouse to click on another box that he had missed.

Great, now he was messing up. His boss is going to give him shit again. Not wanting to think about his boss being angry, he goes back to check all of the boxes that he did earlier and then continues to work on the other boxes that are empty.

"The psychopath is coming towards you, be alert," Kihyun's best friend, and colleague, Hyungwon, whispers in his ear, his eyes frighten.

He takes a huge breath to control his body and then continues to work. I don't need more shit coming from him. He knows I get tired but he still over works me, Kihyun says to himself, with tiredness.

Kihyun hears the wall of the cubicle being tapped with a knuckle so he stops clicking boxes and turns around to face him. Kihyun keeps his mouth shut, gripping his teeth together, and listens to what he is going to say.

He doesn't say anything and instead gives Kihyun an intense look. His thin, Cole Haan transparent glasses are perched up, high on his nose. His hands are on his hip filled with authority.

"Something wrong, Mr. Son?" Kihyun begins to ask more further questions when he interrupts him in the middle of his speech," Have you finished the spreadsheet?"

"No, sir." Kihyun looks down in shame. He know it's due today yet he took his time. He was tired of getting so many things to do. He just wanted a break. A break from him, most of all.

"Then what the heck are you waiting for? I gave you two days to work on it and it's still not done. I want it by tomorrow morning or else you're fired." Mr. Son shouts at him making the other office assistants turn around. Kihyun gulps in shame and nods, not being able to look at Mr. Son in the face.

"Oh, and I want you to fax some papers for me and then I want you to bring me a folder from the section B folder. The name of the folder is here in this sticky note." Mr. Son hands Kihyun the sticky note and then leaves without saying another word.

Kihyun feeling shamed and embarrassed, turns around to save his work. He then shuts the computer screen off so no one else messes with his work and make him get in trouble again.

"Are you okay?" Hyungwon leaches on to him the minute he gets up from him. He follows Kihyun around until they arrive at the file cabinet.

"I'm fine. You know he's always an ass with me so why shouldn't I be okay?" Kihyun opens the cabinet, pulls it out so that he can see all the folders, and scans the folders to find the right one.

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