I'm Not That Cruel *Showki Part 9

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    I'm Not That Cruel
Part Nine

Coming back from the store, brought more questions to Kihyun's already long list of questions. Shownu had turned away from his query by changing the topic when he had brought it up. Kihyun acted like it was no big deal, although in his mind that was all he could think of.

In the car, Shownu had completely forgotten about that question and instead was boastful about what they were going to do in the kitchen, and that he was so glad that they had food in the refrigerator.

Kihyun let his question go, his hush suspicion go, and turned his focus on how well they were getting along. Shownu was a difficult man when it came to food, and soon Kihyun learned that Shownu was very protective on that area, especially when it came to the health of their unborn children.

At home, after dropping their groceries to the kitchen table, for a second, they had forgotten their realities, and went straight into a delighted kiss. After their lips had touched, they stood there, savoring and lingering their position.

A galore of butterflies burst inside his stomach in between their small kisses and after their affection. Those butterflies went on to fly, ferociously, in him as they continue to prepared food.

That night Kihyun found another side to Shownu: he was a funny man. Kihyun's cheeks were turn up for hours, his smile never faltering. There were also glances of Shownu's hands going down to his hips and his chin softly cupping the nape of Kihyun's neck.

From then on he started to become comfortable in the house, even slowly calling it his home. Shownu had been nothing but sweet, and his actions showed that he was trying to change, although the did have his defaults and actions that were a mirrored of his old self back when they had never had their share of affection.

Days and nights went along with his progression with Shownu. The office became peaceful, well at the same time rowdy with gossip (there had been speculation about his relationship with Shownu, but that was never confirmed by any of them). Any commotion didn't change his persona or the way he felt about himself. Shownu leaving him alone left him without stress, and he was having his old life back, well the most that he can say he had.

Slowly, Minhyuk forgot about his wariness on Shownu and began to have small talk with him, even hindering a smile. Kihyun has caught that moment with his own eyes when he was coming back from the restroom. Such action warmed his heart. Not only was his body accepting his new flame, so was his best friends whom he considered to be his family.

Days had never been better. Each day his belly grew, as well as the love that he was showering to his unborn children, their moving signifying the future that Kihyun would have with Shownu after they are born.

All this was great, and Kihyun deeply knew it, there was just something that was off. His mind preoccupied with the secret room that he wasn't allowed to go. Shownu had never said anything about that room, but his actions, and his late night wandering off to the room brought suspicion.

Shownu had officially moved in with him to his room. Gradually he brought in his stuff, would lay down after work, and even bring him food when he would go to the milkshake place they had gone earlier when they were strangers.

Things started- the suspicions- to become weird for him after midnight. It wasn't always, but whenever he felt Shownu leave the bed and silently leave the room, Kihyun would stay up, and sit there, ignoring the sensation that Shownu had a huge secret he didn't want to tell him.

Shownu's absence wasn't long. Four to ten minutes Shownu would be gone from the bed, and then when Kihyun would heard his footsteps- he could still hear Shownu's light steps- he would pretend to sleep. After Shownu would get into bed, he would hold him closer and whisper in a crying voice. He could never make out what he would say, but Kihyun was certain that his words were promises meant for their children.

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