Could It Be? *Namkook

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The sheets were too uncomfortable for me to lay down, making the back of my shirt stick with sweat. I don't know what is happening to me, the sound of the air conditioner only adds to the buzzing noise I already have in my head.

I've tried to stop the feelings from coming, distracting myself with homework, hanging out with my friends but it didn't work.

"Aish, I hate this feeling." I rouse from my bed, sitting down on my butt and putting my hand on my stomach.

Ever since I found out one of my friends is having a a baby, I couldn't stop imagining having a baby inside of me. I'm too crazy to even think about how my future would be at steak if I do get pregnant. I mean the symptoms are all there. Nauseous, vomiting, and craving weird things makes all the more reasons to believe it. Five percent of males can get pregnant but few can conceive to full term.

"What's wrong?" I lift my head up, my roommate Jack yawning as he types away in his laptop.

"Nothing, really. Just a little stress out," I say unconvinced from the words that came out of my mouth.

"I know, dude. This essay is giving me a hell of a headache. " Jack stops typing and looks me in the eye, his eyes furrowed when he sees my hand on my stomach.

"Are you sure, your okay? If your having a stomachache, you can always cancel on your date with your boyfriend. Namjoon would understand." Jack immediately grabs his aspirin. I shake my head.

"This stomachache is not going to stop from going on a date with Namjoon. I haven't seen him in a month and it would be nice to hang out with him." I miss his scent, his touch and the way his plump lips taste so good on mine. Would he even care if I'm pregnant?

Going over this in my head, over and over is making me crazy. Namjoon, my boyfriend of two years is coming to pick me up for a date but I'm too emotional to even force myself to change. Too many questions are in my head that everything is too blurry for me to even focus.

The phone vibrates, snapping my thoughs and bringing me into reality. I grab my phone immediately from my back pocket of my jeans, checking the message; Namjoon text pops up.

Monie🐸: Hey, babe. I'm almost close to your dorm.

Kookie✌: Yeah, okay. I'll be waiting for you.

I turn off my phone and walk slowly to the closet . Hmm, deciding what to wear for a date wasn't hard but choosing what to show my boyfriend that I still have an edgy style is  hard. I know it's silly to be stressing about the choices I need to make in my style of clothing, spending hours in my computer trying to find the best stores who can deliver everything piece of clothing that can impress my boyfriend is trying.

When I'm not with Namjoon,  I let myself breath. Thank goodness that we have different majors or else I would gone crazy by now. Namjoon's parents are super rich, sending his son at one of the best universities. And for me you might say? I got in because of  my four years scholarship. My parents couldn't afford to send me to a university  since they were in a tight budget. Volunteering at the homeless shelter, earning my GPA with a 4.0 and spending a lot of time studying and practicing with my essays got me my scholarship. My mother is so proud of me and my father telling me he has the best son , it makes me really happy.

Opening the closet who I share with Jack makes me a little anxious. All the clothes that are hang have worn and have been seen by Namjoon. With a sigh, I grab my white turtle long sleeve with black stripes in the middle and as I was closing the closet a Nomad Splatter Button down caught my eye.

"Jack can I wear your cardigan? This would look totally great with my white turtle long sleeve." I grab the hanger that hangs the cardigan and turn around to show him.

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