Day *Yoonseok

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Every day the sun comes up and it comes down, the events of the day, pulling down into the dark, where the mind sleeps and forgets ,even for a little while.

This is the cycle of life- well in this case, Yoongi's. All his life has been a serious or events that either disappointed him or changed him into what he is today.

He didn't have a childhood quite like his lover, Hoseok. Instead of bright and full of hope, his life was gloomy and quite dark, if he says so himself.

When Yoongi was born his mother had complications that led her to be in the ICU for the first couple of days after his birth. His dad wasn't really around so his grandmother had to take care of him.

His mother hadn't taken the news very good. She wasn't ready to raise a child on her own. You see, his parents were teenagers when they had him and the only reason why she agreed to give birth to him was because he said he be there to take care of them.

When things got complicated, he couldn't take the pressure of the situation. His mother could of either made it out alive or not. And that scared his father. A lot. Which caused him to run away and made his mother run out after him to make him resonate with her. She never came back. He caused a chain of events in his life that changed in his life for the worse.

Well until he met Hoseok. He was a freshman in college and he had just said goodbye to his social worker, seeing that he no longer had to live with his foster care mom, when he noticed a boy carrying boxes, arguing who he perceived to be his parents.

The boy's laughter had every one outside looking at him with different kind of stares. The girl in front of her was giving him a look of annoyance while the guy next to her was rolling his eyes, whispering something to the girl.

For Yoongi, that laughter made him stop and stare. He wasn't feeling any kind of emotions but something about him stood out. His laughter was so bright and cheery, the most positive emotion he had ever seen in his life.

He had never felt joy, or what it felt to be happy yet at this moment he could feel a little glimpse of the boy's happiness ingrained in his smile. The boy's smile gave him hope and after that night, when everything was dark, that he couldn't even see his hands, Yoongi hoped that, that scenerio that he watched earlier did not go with the sun, where things are forgotten. That night he lays awake, his mind replaying the laughter of the boy and his mind fills with wonder. Would he ever get to experience joy like him? And that small little hole of hope in his heart says yes, for the very first time. There is a chance of happiness for you Min, Yoongi.


It was the last day of finals. Yoongi was right outside of the classroom,sat on the middle of the bench where students can sit down, with flashcards under his nose as he replay all the information in his mind so he doesn't forget.

Political science was his last exam for this semester. He was beyond glad to had been able to finished this semester with a solid B and he hoped that this exam would let his grade stay the same.

He turns over the green card so that the definition is facing up and he can check if he has the definition right. Knowing that he is right -and he is- he looks up with a smile. Getting the correct answer always made him smile. Being correct made him closer towards his goal: to graduate from college.

Yoongi, hearing his phone vibrate, places the green flash cards next to him on the bench, and flashes his phone towards his face. After he has finished inputting his password and his screen of him taking a picture with a kunamon plushie is shown, he immediately goes to his messages.

He smiles at the message: his boyfriend Hoseok had sent him a message saying he was in the same building as him.

Hoseok had finished his last exam of the day earlier so he was waiting for him in the library where they later would meet to go eat somewhere, and discuss how burnt they were from all the studying. Apparently, that wasn't the cause, though.

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