Fake ID *Kaisoo

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A sudden chill creeped through Kyungsoo's bones, slightly jolting his body. He was currently sitting on his spinning chair, overlooking himself on the mirror.

Last night he had left the window open, despite the cold air, to be able to breath normal. Kyungsoo was such an overachiever, in every single way. He had studied for this morning exam for the entire week, at least spending two hours working on the homework and studying.

College wasn't like high school. For him, high school was a breeze. AP classes were one of his favorite classes since the teachers challenge them and prepared them for what was coming next in their education.

Needless to say, he had never worked so hard until the breaking point. It was obvious that college was his challenge, his energy. He craved the achievement of grades, of praises.

Because of the pushing of himself to be the very best he always missed going out with his friends. If his friends would go out to party, almost always he decided against it, knowing that if he went he might get drunk and get loose, loosing time that he could be spent studying.

He was such a bore. Uninteresting. Even looking at himself, his tousled hair, sleepy eyes, he couldn't bring himself to smile. Yesterday he had agreed to go with one of his best friends, Chanyeol, to a club that was clearly not for underage people.

At first he declined. Clubs were not for him. The music, the ambience was okay for him. It was the alcohol that drove him away from having a good time. Alcohol brought memories that he didn't want to remember at all.

Back in tenth grade, he had gotten so emotional at the death of his mother that he couldn't function for a couple of months, hiding himself on his bed, and when his father left to work, he would sneak in alcohol from the nearby drug store and drink until he passed out from the booze.

It took four months for his father to realize he was becoming an alcoholic, someone who needed alcohol to live Day by Day. Kyungsoo would obviously go to school, alcohol tucked and hidden in his backpack, wrapped with one of his light, red sweaters.

During those months, his grades had went down the drained, pulling him out of his high GPA and threatening to kick him out of his grade and possibly making him repeat tenth grade.

Thankfully, his father step in and gave him an ultimatum: either you get your shit together and save your graduation, top ten position, or I'll send you to rehab and miss the rest of the school year.

Kyungsoo had never had an ultimatum before. He was the good kid. Never got in trouble. The thought of loosing his gpa and his education brought him back from his slumber, from his depressing state.

Soon he realized that his mother wasn't coming back. His mother wouldn't have liked for him to waste himself away and lose what he has dearly loved since he was small.

The journey has been hard for him; his eyes staring back at him tell him of those struggles, sleepless nights, hurting pains that at times attack him at night or when he would at least expect them.

As he keeps staring at himself, his reflection, his mind tells him that those days are gone. Times have change. He has learned to manage his emotions when it comes to his mother. He has healed, although, not completely. His mother's death will always hurt, there's no denying it.

What he can do is remember that his mother is not here; his life continues and he can keep making the promise that he told himself the day he decided to stop drinking himself to sleep: that he would make his mother proud everyday from where ever she was on this earth whether in heaven or in the elements of Mother Earth.

Time was catching up with the said hour that Chanyeol said he was going to the club. He had been so adamant on not going. He had his day planned out. He was going to eat Chinese food with one of his roommates and then he would get home to catch up with one of his favorite shows on the CW and then start studying for his upcoming test.

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