Love Will Always Win *Yoonmin

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Love Will Always Win


Pastel colors look back at Yoongi as he cradles his three month old daughter in his arms, sleep creeping into his still eyes.

Bursts of happy bubbles surface the tired water. Blinking keeps his eyes from falling asleep. So he does that, awaits until she falls as sleep again.

Yoongi's neck cracks to the other side and looks up to the wedding gift he got from his mother, a white clock with two white birds each on the bottom and the top.

Four thirty in the morning.

It was his turn to fetch, YoonA, change her diapers or give her milk, and then put her back to sleep.

Same routine, same tiredness. The cycle has been going on for weeks, and although he should be tired from it, he's far from that. Well obviously he's tired. Sore. Sleepy. Lethargic. From his daughter? Not at all. Through his sleepiness, there's actual joy beneath that feeling.

"She falls asleep so fast, doesn't she?" Jimin, his husband, sweetly tells him, sneaking from behind him to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Jimin's hair was disheveled, in box shorts, shirtless.

"Two minutes into my arms and she's already fast asleep," Yoongi, softly chuckles, giving her a kiss on the cheek and then lightly puts her down on the crib.

"Did she wake you too?" Jimin nods, running his fingers through his hair, a small yawn appearing on his face.

"You should of stayed in bed, love. I told you I would get up so you can get some sleep." Yoongi grabs his waist and pulls him closer. Jimin wraps his arms around his neck. "I wanted to see her too. She's too precious."

"Everything we ever wanted," Yoongi comments, a never ending smile plastered on his face.

Love always wins.


A mess. The living room was a livid mess. Yoongi had forty five minutes before the social worker would come to check on how well YoonA was getting adjusted.

Jimin had left twenty minutes ago, of course late. Sometimes Jimin being a scrub nurse was a curse. Unexpected surgeries, unexpected absences that left Yoongi with mixed feelings.

It didn't matter right now. His mind was completely focus on having the house squeaky clean. Yoongi is sure that a little mess won't be a bad thing for the social worker, after all she's here to check upon on YoonA and how well they're all getting accustomed to being a family- but that's still something to worry about because he wants to please the social worker He wants her to see that gay couples can take of kids just as good as the heterosexual couples that can bare children.

YoonA was asleep on her crib after waking up, a little earlier than Jimin was supposed to get up, and drinking a bottle of milk. Yoongi decided to use this period of her silence to clean the apartment as fast he can before she was wakes up again.

On the kitchen counter and sink were bottles and formula open as well as dirty dishes that they had ignored for a few days.

Certain days Jimin brings fast food instead of any one of them cooking. They both know how to cook so they would alternate whenever they each had an idea on what they wanted to cook. It's a bit embarrassing to only been eating food that's not cooked by them these past few days.

By the time he was done with the kitchen, Yoongi had a bag full of trash. Satisfaction overwhelms him, feeling less stress now that the thing that was worrying him has been taking care off.

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