Flower Shop *Xenissi topp dogg

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Flower Shop
Jenessi & Xero

Every year, Valentine's Day was one of the greatest day of Xero's life. The rush of people coming in, men desperately wanting flowers ready, the air filled with life gave him the push to continue and deliver happiness all around.

Sun shines brightly on the sky, the smell of cool air surrounding him as he walks to his shop. Early, with the awakening of the birds singing accompanied his lovely aura.

Every morning he is reminded of what his grandfather left him when he died four years ago. During high school, Xero had gotten a floral class as an elective and he immediately had fallen in love. The smell of the flowers gave him an intuition of what his future would be like.

Owning a small business would meant he had to invest his life savings just to be able to achieve his dreams. That was his goal in life and he was determined to attain it no matter what happened.

Struggled arose, he almost changed his career path, moved to another country; in the end he stood in his ground. Life happens so quickly that you need to hold yourself into something so that you don't lose sight of who you are and what you want to become.

In the midst of finishing his career, he met the love of his life. Something else that made his heart beat. They were both going to be florist. They had visions. Soon enough their visions stood in tact, just something things changed. His boyfriend changed majors and became a preschool teacher. From that career their love for growing a family changed. Their vision on that idea hasn't changed either.

A small wind was picking up, and the the trees began to sway, the melody matching up with the hum of the birds. All of the other shops were verily opening up as well. Some of the owners said hi to him as he passed to his shop.

Food aroma mixed with the smell of the animals made a weird combination. People would either come to eat the tastiest pizza in town or come visit the adoption center for puppies.

From time to time he would go there before opening his shop to look at the new arrivals that he for sure knew were not gonna be there the very next morning.

For some time he thought of adopting one for his boyfriend who loved animals. But because their apartment is small they didn't want to have their pet not have the freedom of walking outside or enjoying the natural air of the environment outside.

Sadly, he decided not to buy a puppy he had been eying for a while. It broke his heart. He really did want a puppy. The good thing is that they wouldn't live in that apartment so whenever they decide to leave, it would be for certain that Xero would buy a dog for the both of them to give lots of love and cuddles.

Right next to his building there was already a clientele forming up a line and patiently waiting for his arrival. Quickly he snapped out of his thoughts, and attentive decisions that sometimes gnaw him persistently in his brain.

Fishing for his keys on his duffel bag, he tells everyone good morning. Xero finds his keys, and takes them out as everyone in the line chants 'good morning' to him.

A thin, smile lines on his face and stays there until he goes around the shop and to the back where he will open so that he can get everything ready before the clientele begin to get fussy.

"Hey, Thana, you forget the keys?" Xero's smile turns into a grin as he side ways hugs the girl in front of her, her face intermingled with melancholy and a playful grin.

Thana is from pakistaní decent. Her parents were born in America, but she knew two languages spoken over there, including English. He had met her in class one day. She was talking Punjabi with one of her guy friends when he saw her. At that time he was learning about Pakistan in one of his classes so he wanted to know what language she was talking so then talked to her. Soon they both became friends and he shared his vision of owning a flower shop.

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