Chapter 1: The Puppy

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So, this is my first official HAMILTON story! Not a one-shot, not a challenge, an actual story! And I wrote it about one of my favorite OTPs! So, all you Jamilton lovers out there! This is for you! I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing this!


With a loud burst of the door opening, Thomas Jefferson huffed knowing his roommate had returned from...where had he been? It was just about midnight and he knew for a fact that his obnoxious roommate's last class was at 5:25 pm today.

"Jefferson," despite the loud entrance, Alexander spoke in a hushed voice. "Oh, good, you're still up. I need to show you something..."

"Hamilton, can't you show me in the morning? I'm tired," Thomas practically yawned as he saved whatever he'd been working on last.

"It is morning. Come on, he can't stay in my bag all night," Alexander pleaded.

"Wait, he?" Thomas was intrigued.

"Wait here," Alex ordered and Thomas obliged to watch his roommate walk to their shared bathroom with his backpack.

Thomas stood from his seat and waited for Alexander to return. He couldn't help but notice how disheveled he had looked. Those dark eyes that were usually glistening were red and puffy. His slick black hair he wore in a cute little ponytail had come loose from said ponytail and was flying in various directions. His clothes were stained with generous amounts of dirt and were those paw prints?

Alex emerged from the bathroom carrying a small puppy with ginger, curly hair and dark eyes. Thomas was not expecting this.

"That's...a puppy..." Thomas stated the obvious.

"I think it's a Poodle to be exact," Alex beamed at his new friend.

Thomas was handed the pup and he barely registered what was happening. The Poodle pup licked his shirt (would've been his stomach if he were shirtless) and lay his head on Thomas' belly. He watched the puppy get comfortable in his arms as he soon drifted off to sleep. Thomas looked at Hamilton to see his giant, bright smile and giddy eyes.

"This is illegal," Thomas voiced the facts. "We aren't allowed to have pets on campus, you know that. If we get caught-"

"We won't," Alex interrupted. "Poodles are one of the quietest dogs, he won't bark much."

"Hamilton, we can't keep him," Thomas stated sternly. "Who's gonna take care of him when we're in classes? Who's going to train him to not pee and crap in the house? Who's going to buy all of the supplies needed to take care of a puppy?"

"..." Alexander hesitated. He hadn't thought that far ahead. Sure he knew there was more to dogs than them just being adorable, they came with a whole new responsibility. Juggling through schoolwork and classes, he probably wouldn't have time to even play with the pup. But when he found this pup alone on his walk through the woods, he couldn't help but think of himself. Alone in the world, abandoned by family. It had brought tears to his eyes. He couldn't leave the poor pup to die. So he'd hid him in his backpack, got some meat from a restaurant on campus and fed him back in the woods where no one would find them.

"Hamilton?" Thomas called his name again and took a gentle step forward.

"I'll take responsibility," he said quietly, hoping his voice didn't crack.

Thomas raised an eyebrow concerned. "Hamilton...why did you bring this dog to our dorm?"

"I couldn't leave him out there alone, Jefferson. I couldn't let him die, but I guess someone without a heart wouldn't understand that," Alex looked away.

Thomas knew that wasn't the full reason. He knew there was a backstory, but he didn't push it any further. With a little sigh and another look at the sleeping Poodle in his arms, he rolled his eyes and said, "Fine, but if he pees on any of my important papers, he's out of here."

Alexander's face lit up when he heard those words come out of Thomas' mouth and for some reason, it made Thomas' heart melt.

Then he was being hugged.

"Thank you so much, Jefferson! I guess you're not that big of an a**hole like I thought you were!" Alex rushed his words, he didn't even realize Thomas wasn't hugging back.

He couldn't, there was a puppy in his arms, despite it being small enough to be held with one hand.

"Um..." Thomas said awkwardly and Alex let go.

"Uhm...sorry, I think I let my emotions get ahead of me," Alex blushed embarrassedly, at least that's what he told himself.

"Uh-huh," Thomas scoffed. "Anyway, I can probably stop by a store tomorrow since it's Saturday. I have to go grocery shopping anyway, so I guess I could pick out some stuff for your new little friend. In the meantime, I'm going to sleep so, take your pup and leave me alone."

Alex nodded and carefully grabbed the puppy from Thomas' arms. The pup stirred for a bit, but instantly fell back asleep in Alex's arms. The immigrant smiled at that as Thomas went to the bathroom to change into his pajamas.

As Thomas was changing, Alexander was getting ready for bed as well. He placed the pup on his bed as he changed into a clean t-shirt and comfortable sweatpants. By the time he was done, Thomas had walked back into the room with a purple pajama set that was made of silk. The Virginian didn't acknowledge Alexander as he got into his bed. The immigrant climbed into his own bed, careful to maneuver around the puppy. Before sleep fell over him, he whispered, "I think I'll name you Philip." and smiled.


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There's Chapter one for you! I hope you guys will read this and enjoy this! Pls vote/comment if you did like this! Make sure to share this with your friends if you enjoyed as well! Love you guys, bye!

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