Chapter 17: Say No To This Pt. 2

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Oh my God, he looks so helpless, and his body's saying h*ll yes...


Laurens had been coming over every day, trying to seduce Alexander. It never worked, though. Alexander was staying strong for Thomas. He didn't want to break his heart, Thomas meant too much to him. He had learned his lesson.

Alex hadn’t told anyone about what Laurens was doing. He didn’t want to jeopardize their friendship. Lafayette was getting suspicious and Hercules knew something was going on. Thomas wasn’t suspicious of anything.

One day, however, things changed. Things were getting really bad. He had arrived late for interning and Reynolds gave him extra work to do that would be due the next day, he had to study for exams this past week, so he was losing sleep more and more each day. He was growing weaker. He hadn’t been eating major meals, maybe a donut or muffin every other day. He’d tell Thomas he’d eaten a full meal every time he Skyped him.

Thomas believed him.

A knock on the door and Alexander automatically knew who it was.

“Leave me alone, John! I’m not in the mood for your bulls**t,” Alexander whined.

“I just want to talk,” his voice sounded.

“I’m busy!”

“This will only take a second, I promise.”

“Are you going to try and seduce me cuz we both know you’re not gonna break me.”

“Let me in!”

Alexander growled angrily and opened the door.

“Listen now and listen well,” Alex snarled. “I will never EVER love you! You’re my best friend, can’t you just accept that? Apparently not since you keep coming over here, tempting me. Thomas is coming back in a week, I’ve been doing well. Just stop doing this, for me. If you really loved me, you’d want me to be happy, and I’m happy with Thomas, so just let me go! I’m so tired, John, I can’t stand it anymore. So please...just leave me alone. I don’t want you.”

Laurens looked at Alexander, tears in his eyes. God, he looked so heartbroken. Without a single word, John ran back to his room, crying his eyes out.

Instantly, Alexander felt bad for him. Laurens was his best friend, he shouldn’t have been so hard on him. He was so tired of the everyday flirting, he knew he’d give in as soon as he started the flirting tonight. He was tired and needed a stress relief, a break, anything to get his mind off of work. Thomas meant the world to Alexander, he didn’t want any mistakes he made to ruin that. He wanted Laurens to be happy, but he couldn’t help him reach that happiness.

Alexander sighed, recomposed himself and walked over to Laurens’ room. He just wanted to make sure Laurens was okay and that he knew Alex was still his best friend. The door was open and Lafayette and Hercules were nowhere to be found. Laurens was on his bed, sobbing into a pillow.

At this moment, John looked so helpless.

“John?” Alexander called cautiously. When he got no response, he sat down on the bed and rubbed circles around his friend’s back. “It’s going to be okay. I’m sorry for yelling. I was just frustrated and frazzled and-”

And before he knew it, lips were crashing with his. He felt John’s tears on his own face, and Alex was conflicted.

Should he do this? This made John happy, right? But Thomas would be heartbroken. Alex loved Thomas with all of his heart. He wanted to make him happy too.

Alex found himself shockingly kissing back. How could he do this again? No...he couldn’t do this. He wouldn’t cause another heartbreak.

Before they knew it, clothes were coming off. What are you doing, Alex? Tell him to get off, Alex! Run away before you do something you regret!

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