Chapter 4: Well, If It Isn't Aaron Burr, Sir

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Welp, looks like I'm still on track with the schedule. I'm going to go see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 with some friends later on, so that's exciting and tomorrow, my friend from college is throwing a party for surviving our first year of college so I'm pumped for that! Anyway, on with the story!


Waking up to the sound of knocking, Alexander yawned, but couldn't stretch. Scrunching his eyebrows in confusion, he turned to see what was stopping him from moving. Next to him, he saw messy, curly hair, a calm face with drool leaving its mouth, and the occasional scrunch up of a nose. Thomas Jefferson was sleeping in his bed. Why?

Oh yeah, the storm.

Alexander struggled to get out of Thomas' strong grip. He was unsuccessful. Another knock was heard, louder this time. Alex groaned and refrained himself from just pushing Thomas off of his bed. He wasn't going to hurt someone who literally just helped him, so he slid under his covers to the bottom of his bed, escaping Thomas' warm comfy arms in the process.

He stood up and yawned again before he got to the door. At seeing their neighbor, he smiled and greeted him with the usual, "Aaron Burr, Sir!"

Aaron responded with a sneeze and Alex gave him a sympathetic look. "Aww, still sick?"

"Yeah," Aaron's voice sounded congested.

"That's what you get for kissing your boyfriend while he's sick."

"Don't pin this on James," Aaron blushed, and they both knew it wasn't from his fever. "Anyway, I came over to ask for the notes from Friday's class."

"Oh yeah, sure, come on in," Alex invited.

"I'll stay out here. We wouldn't want Mr. Non-Stop to get sick, now would we?" Aaron joked and Alex chuckled.

"I'll return shortly," Alex smiled and went to retrieve his notes.

Aaron observed the room while he was standing in the doorway. He noticed Thomas was on Alexander's bed instead of his own. There was a bad storm last night. He smiled of the fond memories of when Alex used to cuddle him when a storm was passing. This was back in Freshman year of college when they had been roommates and shortly after, boyfriends. They'd broken up in second semester due to the fact that Alexander wouldn't stop working and Aaron felt like he was being ignored, so they just decided to be friends. There were no hard feelings, but they still teased each other with nicknames.

Stop observing his a**! Aaron quickly turned back to observing the room. He found something that caught his eye. Puppy food?

"Uh, Lexi?" Aaron called concerned.

"What is it, A-A-Ron?" Alex turned to him. "You sound worried."

"...Why is there puppy food in your dorm?"

Aaron could hear Alex's muffled curse and see the look on Alex's face. He was contemplating his options.

"Promise me you won't tell another soul what you saw," Alex pleaded and Aaron smiled.

"You know I won't," he promised.

Alex moved over to his bed and maneuvered around Thomas' body to pick up Macaroni, who seemed to be waking up. When Aaron caught sight of the puppy, he had to hold back a squeal...he failed miserably.

After walking in and closing the door, Aaron squealed, "Ohmigosh! Alex, he's the cutest thing I've ever seen, other than my James, of course!"

The strain of his voice caused him to have a coughing fit. Alex watched with concern as Thomas began to finally stir from sleep. Alex felt Macaroni squirm in his arms, so he assumed the pup had to use the bathroom. He was soon placed in the litter box and was relieving himself instantly.

"S'that Jemmy I hear?" Alex heard Thomas' Southern drawl laced with a yawn afterward.

"It's his boyfriend," Alex answered.

"Ah, Burr...seems my lil Jemmy's gotten you sick, huh sugar?"

Alexander couldn't help the snicker that escaped. Thomas sounded funny in the morning, he still found it hilarious.

"You okay, Aaron?" Alex asked after Burr stopped coughing.

"I'll live," he replied, clearing his voice a little. "So, what's his name?"

"Macaroni," Alex scowled at the name.

"You let Thomas name it?" Aaron asked in shock.

"I didn't get the votes for Philip," Alex shrugged. "It's alright, I'll have to get used to it, thanks to Thomas."

"You know my name is better and you just don't wanna admit it, Alexander," Thomas smirked and left for the bathroom. "I'm taking a shower."

Alex shivered when Thomas said his name. It sounded so...right coming out of his mouth. The way he said it was such care, such gentleness, and the strong Southern accent was only icing on the cake. Aaron smirked and said, "You're blushing."

"Wha?" Alex turned to his friend, who'd taken the pup in his hands.

"I said you're blushing. Are you-"

"Don't. Finish. That. Question," Alexander could feel more heat on his cheeks while Aaron just giggled.

"It's okay to have a crush, Alex," Burr commented anyway.

"You think I have a crush on Jefferson? My enemy? The man I've despised since the beginning of Freshman year?"

"I dated you, Alex, I know all of your secrets and looks and the look you were just giving Thomas was the same look you kept giving me before we were dating," Aaron smirked.

"Man, you and James are perfect together with your stupid observation skills," Alex muttered as he poured puppy food into the bowl. "Or am I just obvious?"

"Meh, kinda both-"

"But see, the thing is, he's not as much of an a**hole as I thought. He f**king cares about me. He f**king held me while I slept last night and he promised to protect me from the storms! Then I go and call him Thomas and he calls me Alexander and now over the course of a day we're on a first name basis! After a full year of hating each other!"

"Alexander, calm down, you're hyperventilating," Aaron placed Macaroni on the ground and the pup instantly ran over to his food bowl.

"I'm know I'm not good with feelings," Alex giggled a little.

"It's okay. I'm gonna go now, James is probably gonna yell at me for being on my feet for too long," Aaron chuckled.

"Okay, here are your notes, and please don't tell anyone about Macaroni," Alex pleaded again while handing him his notebook.

"My lips are sealed. Nice seeing you. I'll return your notebook when I'm done," Aaron opened the door.

"Goodbye, hope you get better soon," Alex smiled and closed the door.


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...I have nothing left to say...uh, oh, I'm going to Orlando next week. I'm pretty excited for it! We're bringing my nephew with us and I might have a chance of seeing a friend I haven't seen in a while. Anyway, that's all for today. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. You know what to do if you did, and I will probably see you on Friday. See ya!

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