Chapter 3: Stormy Night

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Hi guys! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this story so far! I hope you all enjoy this chapter as well! Warning for historical inaccuracies, but hey, I'm not a history major, lol. Anyway, enjoy!


It was six by time Alex’s friends left. Lafayette had to leave earlier to have dinner with his family. Madison left with Alex’s friends. They were planning to have dinner, and ended up inviting Madison to join, since Alex and Thomas had opted to stay at their dorm to watch their dog.

It was quite uneventful between them. They would watch their pup play with the toys Thomas had bought, watch him walk over to the litter box to take care of his business, watch him run around the room, and even took turns petting and playing with him.

Soon, the two of them were getting ready for bed. This was when Thomas realized…

“I forgot to get a dog bed.”

“It’s alright, Macaroni can just sleep in my bed with me like he did last night,” Alex shrugged as he yawned.

“No, he could sleep in my bed. I was the one who forgot the dog bed,” Thomas reached for the pup, but Alex got to him first.

“I insist, I wouldn’t want dog fur to get on your silky sheets.”

“Poodles don’t shed, idiot. Besides, you got him last time.”

“Well, you got to name him, so I should at least be able to cuddle him in my sleep.”

“I got to name him, so I should be able to cuddle him.”

The two failed to realize that Macaroni had already fallen asleep in Alex’s arms comfortably. Alexander quietly yessed and got comfortable in his bed.

“...night, Jefferson,” Alexander said as he turned his back towards Thomas.

“Night, Hamilton,” he replied with a smile.

He turned out the lights and quickly went to sleep in his bed.


Thomas woke up to the sound of loud, forceful wind that shook the apartment, a loud crash of thunder followed shortly by bright lightning, and a slight whimper coming from the other bed. Reluctantly and sluggishly, he sat up in his bed and turned on the light. He stretched as he reached for his phone to see the time. Why was a freaking storm waking him up at 2:38 in the morning?

Thomas groaned as he began to just turn the light back off and drift back to his macaroni dreamland, but a wet sniffle interrupted his plans. The puffy-haired student looked over to his roommate, whose back was still turned toward him. He could notice how his body shook a little.

“Hamilton?” his voice was raspy and Southern, like it always was when he first woke up.

He saw the small teen flinch a little and wipe something off of his face, presumably tears. His voice even cracked and was filled with fear when he replied, “I’m fine, Jefferson, go back to sleep.”

There was no way he was going back to sleep like this. Alexander making him worry about him tended to happen way too often and he would never get back to sleep until he helped him.

“Hamilton, we both know that’s a lie, now what’s wrong?” he asked, but when he got no reply, he sighed in frustration.

Another loud boom of thunder and Thomas knew what was wrong.

He removed himself from his silken wonderland and made his way over to Alexander’s cotton sheets.

“Hamilton, move over, kay?” Thomas requested and to his surprise, Alex obliged without a fight.

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