Chapter 16: Say No To This

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When I said I needed prompts for the Toddler!Alex book, I meant it. Pleas send me some prompts! Thanks.


After three weeks of interning, Alexander was obviously overworking himself. He had decided that he wanted to take a couple of summer classes so on top of his internship work, he had college work to do as well. Aaron and Madison tried to get him to take a break, but he refused to stop. He was back to his old habits. Forgetting to eat, not sleeping as much, not letting his friends in. It was bad for him, of course.

Thank God for Thomas Jefferson. That one Skype call is what’s keeping him alive. Thomas had seen how much weight Alex had lost and those bags under his eyes had gotten larger. He made sure he always ate something while they talked and then he would sing him lullabies to get him to sleep. Alexander always answered those Skype calls, no matter what. Alex loved his boyfriend and he wouldn’t miss a call for the world.

That being said…

There was a knock on Alexander’s door.

“Just a second!” Alex called as he saved whatever he was writing.

He stood up from his chair and opened the door.

“Hey, Alex, long time, no see,” John smiled at the door.

“Hey, Laurens!” Alex smiled back and welcomed him in. “How’ve you been, old friend?”

“I’ve been good. You look busy.” Laurens said. “How are you holding up? I heard that you’re working with that James Reynolds guy.”

“Yeah, and he’s being so difficult,” Alexander complained while sitting down on his chair.

“I can see that happening,” Laurens frowned. He moved towards Alex and placed his hands on his shoulders, starting to massage him.

Alexander instantly flinched. “What are you doing?”

“What? I can’t give you a massage? I’m your best friend, I’m not trying to do anything sketchy,” John looked at Alex with a confused look.

Alex sighed. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I’m attention all the time this summer. So much is going on. School work, the internship, and I’m trying not to get super stressed so I can keep my relationship pure, and it’s so hard.”

“Take a break, Alex,” Laurens said. “If you’d listened to Eliza about taking a break, the whole Reynolds scandal wouldn’t have happened.”

“Yeah...but this thing is due in three days and James wants me to do these papers tonight, and Thomas hasn’t called yet, and-”

Laurens interrupted Alex with a small kiss. It wasn’t anything big, but still, it held Alexander in a trance until he realized it wasn’t Thomas and he pushed him off.

“What the f**k is your problem!?” Alex screamed.

“Don’t you need a break, Alex?” Laurens smiled.

“Well...I do,, I can’t do this. I am not having an affair with Thomas,” Alex looked up at Laurens and his sparkling hazel eyes.

“Aww, come on, Alex. You liked it, I know you liked that kiss.”

“But you aren’t Thomas,” Alex said. “I need a break, but you ask if I wanna watch a movie, or go for a coffee break. You don’t straight up pull a Maria Reynolds on me. John, I thought you knew better.”

“Alexander~” Laurens purred.

Alex looked away from his supposedly best friend. “Stop it! Please!”

“But Alexander, we were meant to be together,” Laurens ran a finger down Alex’s arm.

The immigrant shivered and bit his lip. He started tapping on his laptop and called Thomas.

“You b**tard!” Laurens growled, putting his shirt back on.

“Alexander! Why are you calling at stupid o’clock in the morning?” Thomas yawned.

“Oh, did I wake you up? I’m sorry, just haven’t called yet and I was worried,” Alex said.

“Oh...I thought I bad. How was your day, babe? Did you eat anything?”

“Yep! I had a burger and some fries,” Alex answered.

“Good boy.”

“What am I? Your dog?” Alex laughed.

“If that’s what you want,” Thomas joked.

“Woof woof.”

Alex and Thomas started laughing at the poor impression of a dog. Laurens growled and walked out of the room. He didn’t need to see this. Thomas heard the door close.

“Hey, who was that?” he asked.

“Oh, Laurens came over to make sure I was doing alright,” Alexander answered.

“Aww, that was nice of him.” Thomas smiled and yawned a little.

“I’m sorry for waking you,” Alex said guiltily.

“Hey, you don’t have to apologize. I love you, okay? I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Tommy,” Alexander kissed the screen. “And I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too, sweetheart,” Thomas kissed the screen as well. “I'll call you tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay,” Alex pouted. “I can't wait to see you again. “

“I can't wait to see you either,” Thomas replied. “I love you. Have a great night.”

“Love you too. Goodnight.”

Thomas smiled and hung up on the laptop. Alexander sighed. Back to work.


(813 words)

Well, that happened. I suck at being flirty or seductive, so sorry if that part was weird. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed! You know what to do if you did! Please please PLEASE give me some prompts for my upcoming Toddler!Alex AU one-shot book! I really need them! I'll see you guys on Friday! Love you guys! Bye!

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